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    Goo, Whats New?


    • 9-1-02: Well its the first of the month and you know what that means......The new Poll is up, along with The Hunk Of this Month and the Captions for A Picture is Worth 1000 Words....so check them out and vote, send your captions...blah, blah, blah......Anywho....I updated Goo News and added a new site of the month!! Wow, September is a Big Month...back to school, back to everything.....we are swinging into fall and soon it will be Thanksgiving.....speaking of September...do any of you know whose birthday is this month? Robby's...thats who! So get your Birthday Wishes to him in as soon as you can....wish him personally whatever you want! To do that...go to the main page and then to Birthday Wishes...I dont have it up on every page yet...sorry Goobers (: Well thats about all for today...but check back...updates soon to come...until then....be goo'd!
    • 8-30-02: Looks like my Family is growing....I have added a new affiliate--GOO GOO DOLLS NET is my sister site now!! Also I have put up a small little place for fans (things to join)....on other sites....just go to the main page underneath the Affiliates and it will say For Fans.....thats it, right there! Well I updated Goo News and thats about all for today....but I will keep you updated! I also have some new ideas...coming soon....toodles!
    • 8-28-02: Hi Goobers.....I updated Goo News and TV Listings again....but something new something Goo for ya....I finally put up my Goo Concert Expierence! Whoohooo....so check that out and the rest of the Gooey stuff! Thats all today...update soon, bye!
    • 8-26-02: Hey all...I have to say...I had the perfect ...most amazing time of my life at that concert...yey! Cant wait till the next one! I will post my story up really soon for you Goobers! Anyway...I updated Goo News and I also Updated TV Listings...so check them out...get your votes in for the Polls, Hunk Of The Month, and A Picture is Worth 1000 Words soon...its closing soon!.....well looks like thats it! But dont forget Robby's B-day is September 30...so get your wishes to him in!!!...update soon...ta' Goobers!
    • 8-24-02: I updated Goo News and thats about all today Goobers.....my concert is tomorrow! whooohoooo! Can not wait, that story comin' soon.....bye all!
    • 8-22-02: Well I updated Goo News and TV Listings....also if ya want to know when this site is updated.....go to the main page and enter your email address to have the Major updates mailed right to you! Thats all for today...have to run...bye!
    • 8-21-02: Updated Goo News and TV Listings.... I also have new buttons for the Link Me page...so check them out...thats all for now....but join the Cliques and Wish Robby a Happy Birthday ...Go on Goobers....dont be shy! Thats all I have for ya....so bye!
    • 8-20-02: Well Goobers only Five more days to my Goo Concert....yey, I am very excited! I will have my Goo Story up on our site, so you goobers can see! I updated Goo News, you might really wanna check that out, and I added some new members to the Cliques....they joined....wont you?? Also I am a married site now! I have a new affiliate, the site I am married to is called--Some Kinda Wonderful, its really cool, so check it out! Thats all for ya today Goobers, bye bye!
    • 8-19-02: We are in need of an update or two. I updated Goo News today, and added new members to our Cliques section ....yey!! So check them both out and maybe join the cliques? why not!! hehe....update soon....toodles (:
    • 8-17-02: No Goo News today Goobers...BUT....I finally added that something special...and its called Cliques...so check that out...go the main page for that....because its not up on every page yet, but will be soon...and dont forget...Robbys B-day is Sept. 30...get your wishes to him in! Plus all the Polls and Captions too, thats all for tonight fellow Goobers....update soon, buhbye!
    • 8-16-02: Check out Goo News, I updated that! Put some new Links up, and got some more Affiliates!! Thats all for ya Goobers today...but more stuff coming soon, and of course that something spiecal!...bye for now (:
    • 8-15-02: Updated Goo News....also get your August Poll votes in and your captions for A Picture is Worth 1000 Words soon...it will be ending in a few weeks!! So Hurry!! Oh wait dont forget about Hunk of the Month either...that will end too... soon! Well as we all know...Robby's Birthday is coming very soon....so wish him a Happy Birthday! Go here for my info on the B-day Wishing. Something new coming soon....so check back! Please Visit our new reviews site called BulletProofed (if you have a Goo site) and get your site Reviewed! Guess what? GGD Domain was named Site Of the Month over at Gooville! Thanx, Jenna (: Well thats all for today.... Update soon...Toodles!

      Visit our Reviews Site!
    • 8-14-02:Updated Goo News today...and I did put up a new link called Birthday Wishes...if ya love the Goos that much...please give 'em a Birthday Wish, for more info go here. Thats it really but look out for cliques...coming soon!
    • 8-13-02: I updated Goo News and Cliques should be coming soon, in the next couple of days...I know it says on the main page thats it is already up...but it isnt...so bare with me! It will be very soon! Put up a new Goo Encounter (thanks Heather!)...I also added a WebRing to my collection..hehe...Thats all for todays...bye! (Oh wait...I forgot to tell ya.....My Goo concert is coming up...Aug 25!!! Yey!!!)
    • 8-12-02: Im done with the new Layout! And that something new is coming up very soon, so check back here to see what it is! I updated Goo News today and thats about all....Oh I fixed the Bios section..hehe...toodles!
    • 8-11-02: Good Morning Goobers, well I updated Goo News...and something special is coming up soon......so check back here to see what that is! Im not completly finished yet wiht my new layout...but it is near the end of completion! Look on the Main page....I put up a new banner for a site called Bulletproofed...this is the site I am a reviewer at, I am part of the team there! So check it out...we review Goo Sites! If you have a site...enter it! Thats all goobers for today...but I will update soon! bye!!
    • 8-10-02: Hey everyone!!! Well my new layout is up....hope you like it (: Anygoo...everything is in different spots now, so check the site out and get re-intoduced with it! Also...coming soon...Contests, where you can actually win cool gooey stuff! But I will post here when I put that up, so you can look into them and enter!! Join our Goo WebRing...if you have a Goo site....just go to the WebRings page (located on the main page) and then go to Goo Goo Dolls Domain WebRing and click on Join to be in our Ring...many other sites already are...wont you?! Please check out our new message board located on the Main page! Post something, read other posts...have fun! Thats all really...but check back soon...more updates coming!
    • 8-09-02: Hey Goobers, guess what I found out today? I am now officially part of the GGD Offical GooRing! WhooHoo Go me! I'm ecstatic, I was waiting for a reply! To check that out, simply go to the links page and at the bottom it will say Go To Webrings, well thats where you wanna click, and there is the Official GooRing and my own Personal GooRing that I own called Goo Goo Dolls Domain Ring (I have alot of imagination!) Alot of site owners have already joined, do you? If so, go to that link and click on Join and fill out the little bit of paper work and I will get back to you in about...half a day! So check that out, Spread the Goo! Updated Goo News like always...check that out for the Newest stuff in the world of Goo! Added some links to the Link page and some to the home page also! thats all for today, bye bye!!
    • 8-08-02: Hey Goobers, Ok today I updated the Links page and I fixed the RockTV.com Link too! No Goo News Updates....But I did update Goo TV Listings! New layout hopefully coming soon, I'm thinking about something...so hmmm, maybe something NEW will pop up soon! Everyone is checking out the New Message Board right? If your not sure where it is...its located on the Home Page and it is in BIG red letters that says "Message Board!"...hehe, well Goobers, I will update soon but thats all for now! Toodles!
    • 8-07-02: Updated Goo News today...I got some FAQ in too, if you wanted to check them out (: Also I hope everyone checks out my *NEW* message Board (located on the home page) and maybe post something, I would be happy (: thats all goobers...I will update soon!! bye!!
    • 8-06-02: Ok, I updated Goo News, and put some links up on the goo news page also....1) Ebay 2) Gutterflower Webstore 3) TV Listings! So check them out! Also I hope everyone is checking out our brand spanking new GGD Domain Message Forum (located on home page, under the Text Block!!) Thats all today gooers...update soon, bye!!
    • 8-05-02: Added a Discography to the Bio's Page! Also, I added three *NEW* pages to Johnny's Picture Page, so check that out....and more All The Goo's Pictures to come very soon! We added some new links to the Links page also, Like 'String Of Goo', great site, check it out! If you have any questions concerning the GGD or my site, I added a link on the home page, in the text block (it says FAQ) just click on that and email me your questions...dont be shy, ask away!! I will try to answer them as best as I can! Added a new message board to the home page UNDERNEATH the text block!! Thats all for today....but vote on the Polls, and A Picture Is Worth A 1000 Words, we always need voters!!! Bye, bye!
    • 8-04-02: Updated Goo News, and thats about all, but check back...bye!!
    • 8-03-02: I updated Goo News, so check that out, and added a new banner to home page! Goo Goo Dolls Domain, Yahoo Group! If you want, join today! Thats all, bye!
    • 8-01-02: Todays the First of August and that means the *NEW* Goo Poll is up, along with the captions for "A Picture is a Worth 1000 Words" and the new picture for "1000 Words". Hunk Of the Month is up too today! So today is the 'big' updating day for this site! Check it all out, and vote vote vote! Updated Goo Goo Dolls News also, so check that out for reviews! I added a new link today and will be adding one picture to Fan Art tonight! thats all, bye bye, update later!
    • 7-31-02: Well I updated Goo News and remember TODAY is the last day for all votes on the polls, AND the captions for "1000 Words", they will be posted tomorrow morning, so check back!!
    • 7-30-02: I updated Goo News like always! The polls and "1OO0 Words" close tomorrow night. All the new stuff will be up on Thursday so check back soon! Thats all gooers, I will have new pictures soon, and probably have new encounters soon, because the new tour kicked off last night! Well I will update soon, bye for now!
    • 7-29-02: I added new news to the Goo News page-- You really should check that out to get some inside info on the Goo's! Also added some new links to link page, thats all, get those votes and captions in because I made Wednesday the last day NOT Tuesday, I changed it!!
    • 7-28-02: I added some a new banner to "Link me to Your Site" and thats about all, goo polls and "1000 Words" close Wednesday so get your votes in! Bye bye!
    • 7-27-02: Today my internet was working so I uploaded those new banners and buttons I made for my site, to check them out go to the links page, then at the bottom of that page it says "Link me to Your Site!", click on that, and those are the new banners/buttons! I hope you like them (: I also updated Goo News like always! and did a little organizing on the site! Also I hope everyone is getting thier votes and captions in for ALL the Goo-Related polls AND "1000 Words!" Remember Tuesday is the LAST DAY!! Wednesday they are closed! And everything NEW will be posted Thursday morning, so check back!! Thats all I got today folks...but I have LOTS + LOTS of pictures yet to put up, that I just recieved! They should be up in the next couple of days, so check back for that too! Well I have uploading to do, so long Goo Lovers!
    • 7-26-02: For some strange reason, my internet is not working right, so I can not upload pictures at this moment, BUT I did make new banners and buttons for my site, for people to link to thier sites! But like I said, at this time I cannot upload them, and It's making me mad, but oh well. Anywho, I updated Goo news Today and Yesterday! So check that out it has some interesting Goo news! Thats really it other than get your votes and captions in at the poll, Hunk of the Month, and "...1000 Words" soon, because Tuesday is the Last day! They will be closed Wednesday and the new stuff will be up Thursday! So vote today and check back Thursday for the new captions and poll + Hunk results! Thats all, bye!
    • 7-25-02: I only have one update for today: FabFay and the Goo Goo Dolls website seems to be closing down, This is my little note from one webmaster to another-- Thankyou Fay for always bringing us the newest news in the Goo World, and always keeping us entertained with fan encounters and countless fun things to read! Your site wasn't just a site, it was THE ultimite Goo site! Your site will always stay in memory and keep us Goo fans happy! Thankyou for six long years of site happiness! -Carol-anne
      "The excitement of a Goo show lasts forever" -FabFay
    • 7-24-02: Added something to links page called "Goo Website of the Month!" Check that out, the websites I pick are really good goo sites! Believe me, if you love the Goo's check this site out (from one to another...you can even win stuff on this site!) Updated Goo News, check that out for the inside scoops in *Gooey*land. Also, Up on the Links page, I put something where you can link my site to yours, if you really like my site, link it! New goo poll, picture for 'Worth a 1000 Words' and Hunk of the Month, is coming soon, so keep checking back and GET YOUR VOTES IN BY TUESDAY! Thats all folks, bye-bye!
    • 7-23-02: Added to the Fan Encounters Page, so check that out and also updated Goo News, you have to look at that because it has the times/days of the Leno show with the Goo's! Thats all for right now, buh-bye!
    • 7-22-02: Added alot to the "Fan Art" Page and made new layout, hope you like it!!Also updated Goo news and Goo Test!! So Check them out and get your votes in at the poll and Hunk of the month and get your captions in for A picture means a 1000 words, because next Tuesday is the last day! They will be CLOSED! thats all, bye bye!
    • 7-21-02: Updated Goo Goo Dolls News, So check that out and rate the Guterflower CD (check goo goo dolls news for more details)!! Get your Captions in and Vote Hunk of the Month, because there is only ONE week left!!! Thats all for now, toodles!
    • 7-20-02: Added Raven's Encounters to the Fan page! Added one new link to Goo'd Links page! Changed Hunk of the Month a little, check that out and you'll see what I mean! Goo Test still coming up. Updated Goo Goo Dolls News! Also I added new page today called "Goo Fan Art" please: if you have ANY goo art that YOU made please email me it!!Thats all.
    • 7-19-02: Added 3 Picture Pages to 'All the Goo's' and 1 Picture Page to John Rzezniks Page! Added a few Fan encounters and a few new links to other sites. Changed backround color of site, hope you like it! Check out the new link called
    • 7-17-02: As of today all links are up and running, also completed! I added 3 links today too, they're calledA Picture means 1,000 Words, Hunk of the Month and Lemondrop Martini! Check them out and vote captions and hunk today (read Hunk of the Month and A Picture Means 1,000 Words pages for more info)
    • 7-16-02: The 'Goo Quotes' page is up and running and also completed! So check it out!
    • 7-15-02: Back from NY, and had a good trip too! Anyway, sorry I didn't make any updates but I will be making them like crazy now so please check back soon!
    • 6-26-02:Well, I'm going to NY today, and I'm excited! But before I went I made sure that I finished the Goo Stories
    • 6-25-02: Ok I will be taking a vacation to New York for 2-3 weeks, and there are no computers there so I won't be making any updates. But when I come back I PROMISE to finish the site ASAP, with no if, and's or but's about it! So check back. The updates for today are : I finished Robby and Mike's picture pages, so as of now john, robby, and mike's are done, I just need to do 'all the Goo's' now. I will talk to you when I get back from NY, untill then bye!

    Join my GGD Yahoo Group. Goo Goo Dolls Domain Group

    Email: Amigone302@AOL.COM