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Grape Like A Purple plays free shows for anyone around the Tacoma, WA area. If you want us to play, or if you want to hear our demo, our email address is at the top of the page. But we suck a lot, so I dont know why you'd want us to do that. We currently have a 14 track demo that we can send to anyone who wants it that badly. We're re-recording all the songs on it, and making music videos so we can release a cheap CD.

We dont really play any certain music. It's rock, sometimes punky, sometimes early-90s-alternativey, sometimes powerviolency, sometimes upbeat, sometimes depressing or spiteful or sarcastic or whatever we want to be. Who cares about categories? What matters to us is expression and fun. Some have compared us to a sucky version of Dead Milkmen.

Download some songs. Keep in mind these are only demos. The real better songs will be out on a CD with videos that i'm sure we wont have to charge more than 3 or 4 bucks a piece for. So, unless you're a monk, go wild. Oh yeah, dont steal anything - people WiLL laugh at you.

† Green Poopies (2:04) - 1.89 Mb
† Cory's Song (0:11) - 180 Kb
† Mud (1:39) - 1.51 Mb
† Dawn Of The Dead (1:50) - 1.69 Mb
† Stacker (1:08) - 1.04 Mb
† Happy Birthday (2:49) - 2.58 Mb
† Army Of Darkness (1:07) - 1.02 Mb
† Macreme (2:23) - 2.19 Mb
† The Cheesy Pick-Up Line Song (2:11) - 2.01 Mb
† F***ing Go! (1:17 explicit content, duh) - 902Kb
† Anarchy in the Library (1:41) - 1.55 Mb
† Q-Basic Gorillas (1:38) - 1.5 Mb
† I Like To Wear Hats (2:18 improv) - 2.10 Mb
† just us screwin' around (1:07) - 1.03 Mb
† The Goat Song
† Need Help? Ask Me!

† STACKER MUSiC ViDEO (640x480) - 5.52 Mb
† STACKER MUSiC ViDEO (1:11) - 4.11 Mb
† STACKER ViDEO (smaller but crappy looking) - 470 Kb

Green Poopies

i woke up in the morning and i really had to go
i took my mornin' poopie, took it nice and slow
i finished up, i got up, and to my dismay
my poopie was a different color that day!

MOM! MOM! i'm havin green poopies!
MOM! MOM! i'm havin green poopies!
MOM! MOM! i'm havin green poopies!
MOM! MOM! i'm gonna gonna die!!

she said "go back to bed boy you are sick and need some rest"
she said "i'll take you to the doctor when i get a chance"
she said "you are not dyin' yer just poopin' out some green"
"but mom you shoulda seen it - it was really obscene!!"

Cory's Song



Pushing people in the mud
I'm not gonna stop till i see some blood
I dont care if you really hurt
I'm gonna make sure yer eatin dirt

Push the people in the mud
Push the people in the mud
Shove the Bible in their face
Push the people in the mud

Dawn of the Dead

it's the dawn of the dead
the dawn of the dead, the dawn of the dead
it's the dawn of the dead
the dawn of the dead, the dawn of the dead

in the sporting goods section of the supermall
we're not goin shopping gonna kill them all
so grab a golf cart and a baseball bat
knockin' zombies in the head we're gonna show 'em where it's at


i go out late at night
down into my special spot
i go out late at night
down into the parking lot

and i'm stackin' all the shopping carts,
stacking all the shopping carts,
stacking all the shopping carts,
they call me The Stacker!

and i'm stackin' all the shopping carts,
stacking all the shopping carts,
stacking all the shopping carts,
Hey Stacker!!

a lady comes out
she said "whats your name?"
"Stacker's my name lady!"
"And stacking's my game!"

Happy Birthday

you're so fine, it blows my mind
whenever you talk to meee
you're so cool, it makes me drool
whenever you hold my haaand

ooooooh, ooweeooweeoo, ooweeooweeoo, ooweeoowee ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh, ooweeooweeoo, ooweeooweeoo, ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

you're so smart, it breaks my heart
whenever you walk awaaay
you're so nice, i wouldnt think twice
to ask you out on a daaate

ooooooh, ooweeooweeoo, ooweeooweeoo, ooweeoowee ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh, ooweeooweeoo, ooweeooweeoo, ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
(screech solo)

Army Of Darkness

welcome back to the land of the living
now grab a shovel and start yer digging
we're gonna resurrect a lot of dead corpses
we're gonna have to form and army of dark forces

Army of Darkness!
Army of Darkness!
Army of Darkness!
Hail to the King, baby!

welcome back to the land of the living
now grab a shovel and start yer digging
there's a hero in the story and his name is Ash
he's got a chainsaw he's gonna slash! slash! slash!


as we walk, hand in hand, we go down to the river
we climb a tree, and you get a sliver

and the birdies and the fishies
they all remind me of you
i want to buy some gummy bears
and bite off all their heads

as we walk, you smile in my general direction
i see a squirrel, and we've lost our direction

Anarchy in the Library

it's the time of liberation
for the library nation
the time has come for anarchy
in the public library!

hey ms. librarian with your sign that says "quiet"
the time has come for anarchy - its time for a riot!
anarchy in the library - if your books are overdue
anarchy in the library - no fines no charge no rules!

it's the time of liberation
for the library nation
the time has come for anarchy
in the public library!

the Dewey Decimal system - is gonna get messed up!
the time has come for anarchy - and its been long enough
anarchy in the library - if your books are overdue
anarchy in the library - no fines no charge no rules!

Q-Basic Gorillas

we program, we program, we program for free
and all you're gonna do is just hate on me!
we program, we program, we program for you
i wanna be a gorilla too!
we program, we program we program for free
loops, syntax, and anar-chy!
we program, we program, we program for you
goto line 40 if x=2!


The Cheesy Pick-Up Line Song

baby, you're as fine as a cucumber
and i'd do anything to get your phone number
baby, you're as sweet as a pickle
and i'm wonderin' if you're tickl---ish.
(insert cheesy pick-up line here, repeat until annoyed)

F***ing Go!

everytime you tell us "GO!" we go

everytime you tell us "STOP!" we go

Read our grapebook
Sign our grapebook

Alex - Bass

Fury - Guitar

Ryan - Drums

Boner - Vocals

The Story of Grape Like A Purple

it all started during the Revolutionary War, the one where we fought Britain so we wouldnt be forced to use the Metric System anymore. a sea pirate named Brotha Funky Rutabega took advantage of this squabble. he would sit on the edge of the battles, let the ships fire cannons and sink each other down, and when the firing ceased, he would sail into the battlefield and scavange every last treasure. Ice Cube didnt like this, in his own words, Brotha Funky Rutabega was a "scurvy sea-dog, be-otch!" so he decided to "cap his ass". when he saw the massive arsenal Captain Rutabega had built up from scavanging the war ships, he decided just to act in movies about it instead.

meanwhile (centuries later), in america, Jeff Fury and his band of anarcho-communist rebel bisexual armadillos were infiltrating the school systems disguised as substitute teachers and janitorial servicemen. their plan to switch american cheese to chedder (chedder cheese is metric) in all the school lunches across wyoming was almost complete. the American standard was going to take a serious blow in wyoming, and soon all would see the logic in the ways of the metric system.

the scene cuts to an alley in Portland...something moves in a dumpster...a head appears above the openning. an overfed street kid wallows around and falls out of the dumpster, full after yet another satisfying meal prepared and thrown out at the Dollar Chinese restaurant. covered in bits of chow mein noodles and broccoli, he undoes his pants button to make room for his oversized belly. this is Boner Smiles. all squatter kids have great names.

once a jewish ninja monk, Boner trained ceaselessly and aspired to one day become the Grand Champin-o Saka-tari of Judeo-Japantown, CO. the local monastary had poor translation resources, so instead of "Saka-tari" translating into "Great Wonder", Boner's master somehow came out with "Fat Slab of Pork". thus his training became skewed, his goals glazed over like so many filled donuts. he kept eating and eating until one day, they had no choice but to kick him out of the monastary. to this day, he can never forgive their unhospitality, and vows never to rest until every jewish ninja monk is at least 30 pounds overweight, or at least commits himself to a richard simmons workout plan. because of the lack of jewish ninja monks in downtown urban Portland, OR., he wages war on neighboring squirrels in a massive delusion that the squirrels have somehow swallowed up all the monks in the city.

meanwhile, alex and ryan, co-owners of a small human-organ-selling business and white slave trading community, had to form a business front to hide their illeagal operations (they tore tags off of mattresses that said "it is a federal offense to remove this tag"). so they began a charity in the name of all squirrel-kind, called The Save The Squirrels Foundation. not only did this prove as a cover for less socially-appealing activities, it raked in money like none other! why would someone donate money to save some ugly endangered species when they could help a cute little squirrel in need of a home and a few peanuts??

One day, Alex was watching the exotic squirrel channel on television when they ran a segment about a fat boy attacking squirrels in Portland. naturally, the Save The Squirrels Foundation came to the rescue.

battering him with maelstrom of Nerf(R) Footballs and those styrofoam noodle things, the squirrel activist supporters of The Save the Squirrel Foundation didnt stop pelting poor delusioned Boner until he was knocked out cold, had lost 4 and a half teeth, and had a Nerf(R) ping-pong ball lodged somewhere very unpleasant. when he awoke, he was cured of his hatred for squirrels and monks, but still remained terribly obese (obese 1. very fat; stout; corpulent). Alex and Ryan, seeing Boner as a changed man, took him in and let him stay at the Castle of the Squirrels with them in Tacoma, WA. and though Boner seemed a changed man, there was still a darkness inside of him...

the school lunches were prepared and ready to serve to the innocent children. the janitors were ready, pretending to mop the floor with their quarterstaffs disguised as mops, just in case anything went awry. then came along Little John James.

Little John James was an ordinary 14 year old American boy. he was raised with a sense of pride for democracy and a love for freedom that only this country can give us. his parents were teaching him values and morals fitting to the mass of public opinion. he hated anyone who wasnt white, straight, sexist, and emotionally repressed. John James noticed the cheese. it wasnt American. John James' parents taught him better. all eyes were upon him when he was deciding whether or not to refuse the cheese. the janitors tensed up, ready to take action. the room was dead silent.

what happened next was a massive uproar, an adolescent civil war. food flew everywhere. the lunchroom was divided, classmate against classmate. kids were choking each other with pepperoni sticks, beaning each other with half-pints-of-milk gernades. not a green bean was eaten, and not a student was safe from the frenzied chaos of mass distruction that swollowed the next 10 minutes of their scholastic history.

then a funny thing happened. the spirit of Captain Brotha Funky Rutabega physically manisfested itself and appeared in the lunchroom, by the coke machines. wrathfire and bloodscreams eminated from the frightening spirit, as kids screamed and hid behind the now upturned lunch tables.

"I AM THE SPIRIT OF CAPTAIN RUTABEGA!" the spirit proclaimed. "here this now: yer endless squabblin' over the metric and american measurement systems have cost enough lives, and invaluable resources. we need to learn to get along, and compromise. from now on, we are to use a new measurement system! combinin' the confusin' random measurements of american standard with the sharp tanginess of chedder. this is the dawn of an age of new understanding, and we shall call this system AMETRICAN! HAR HAR HAR!"

and just as fast as he appeared, he was gone.

and then he appeared again, pointed right at Jeff Fury, and shouted "GO YE NORTH AND SEEK YE THE PERSONS WHO CLAIM TO BE CANINE." without questioning, Fury hopped the next train to Tacoma.

it was about this time that Boner's life started turning bad. he got into listening to "gangster rap" and decided to start a "hip hop" band to be "cool". he found some "homies" and went out on the "smooth tip" to "tha" "double glock" "cuz" he was "hollerin" "187 on a undercova cop." Alex and Ryan, infatuated with the "gangsta life" decided to "represent" along with Boner, who was "straight up" "cold illin'" at the "time", "dogg". knowahmsayn?

they began a rap group called "Tha Hard Doggs" because they all wanted to seem tough, but also wanted to give a sense of family. the band became very successful, but was turned down by Chuck D when he was interested in producing an album because they were "too politically minded" for his tastes. appearantly the world "was not ready" for this kind of attitude and aggressiveness the music displayed. they were banned from playing in 14 states. the producer of their first demo is still in a messy lawsuit with over issues we wont discuss here concerning the band name.

The band's continued rejection and disapproval from 4-H leaders and Martha Stewert herself only worsened their already habitual narcotic problem. they soon spun into a hazy cloud of confusion and apathy. then Fury showed up with the answer.
which leaves us with the question:

What the hell do armadillos have to do with the American Revolution?
more to come...