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Flight From Wonder

Events + Shows
Songs + Lyrics (With MP3s!!)
Guestbook Sign
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John Mannion Has Been Resurrected! There Is Now No More Thom!


Alright, hey, this is chris doing the update thing. As you may or may not know, The Bar Beach show was cancelled. So we will be sessioning alot. Also! We are looking for a new bassist, so, if you want to try out, post your SN/Email on our guest book. If you don't want to do that you can send me us at with your number and I, or one of us will call you about it. Later.

-- Chris


For those of you who haven't already heard, there is a big announcement that needs to be made. This will be my final update on this site, as I, Alex Wolff, am leaving Flight From Wonder. A year and a half has past since Thom and I started this band, and it was fun for a very long time. However, my interests have waned and it's time for me to move on. I want to try other things, and as much as I want Flight From Wonder to be the vessel for those things, it just can't be. I wish the band the best of luck in the future, and I'll be right there alongside them. We're still best friends, and I don't foresee anything changing that. This was a very difficult decision, and I feel I've made the choice that suits both myself and the band best. I don't really know how to end this, so peace out.



Well, we've got some very noteworthy news this time around. Let's start with the lesser of the two items.

We've just completed the writing of a new song, and it's called Fallen Tides. It's a real different thing for us, and writing it was a tremendous effort, so I hope you guys like it when it's all ready. The lyrics will be up shortly.

OK, now on to the big news. This is really big... Ready? OK... We have a new member in the band. His name is Chris Utzig. He will take on a number of different jobs. For more on Chris, check him out in the bio section. It's under construction, but there's enough there for now.

Oh, and there's another thing. We're currently working out our financial situation regarding recording. We found a great studio, and we're gonna work on cutting a deal with the owner. Until next time, I leave you with this:
"Monkeys? No. Tyrannosaurus rex."



Yeah, it's been mad long since the last update. Well, as for battle, we played a kick ass set, and somehow we didn't place. I'll put up a forum for discussion on that later. Premise Beach won, which is fucking awesome. Fools Of Tomorro got second, and Proposition 215 got third. I'm not really sure how the judging went down, but whatever. We have some awesome pictures to put up, I'll make a photos section when I get a chance. Anyway, I'll let you know when there's more news. Thom'll probably be chiming in sometime soon. Later.



The 2003 Schreiber High School Battle Of The Bands will take place Friday, March 28th. The five bands to enter into competition this year are:
Premise Beach
Proposition 215
New Cataline
Fools Of Tomorrow and...
Flight From Wonder
Well, thats a few weeks away, so more on that later. In recent news, the Landmark show this past friday went pretty well. Songs were executed very well, and everything sounded good with the exception of Dreaming In The Key Of Elements, which we did acoustic, and, given the sound system, was a dreadful mistake. However, everybody liked the rest of the set. It was also really fun using The Dotted Line's stacks. You can check out info on that show, as well as write a review for it yourself, all in the Events & Shows section of the website. I'm going to bed. Peace.



The February 28th Concert at the Landmark is two days away. There have been a ridiculous amount of lineup changes, so check that out on the shows page if you're interested. After this show, I'll put up review forums for both this show and the Levels thing, so you can voice your opinions, and such. Also, Battle Of The Bands is coming up a month from Friday, so we'll be preparing for auditions. Jesse is getting a brand spanking new P.A. this weekend, so we'll be all set in that department. Also, the newest song we've written, Dreaming In The Key Of Elements, has been posted on the songs page, lyrics and all, check it out, it's good shit. Maybe we'll play it Friday. Maybe not.



Finally, I've uploaded A Reparation Of Light Pavilions, and you can now get the mp3 directly from the site. Either go through the songs page, and go to the lyric page for A Reparation... which has a link to the mp3, or access it directly at this link: and download it from there. Also, last night, we performed at Levels in Great Neck for a TV taping. The program is called Straight Ahead, and it'll be broadcast on LI Public Access in a month or so, I'll let you know when it airs. The setlist for the taping was as follows:

A Reparation of Light Pavilions
Red Shift
Nitrous Oxide

Also, there is still that Landmark show coming up Friday. Be sure to check that out. More to come.



Yeah, I'm stupid. The show is February 28th, not February 25th. So mark your calendars, or whatever. In any event, we got contacted about doing some kind of TV appearance for Long Island Public Access, where we perform , and get interviewed. More to come on that.



Well, after a weeks work, and 4 straight hours of mixing, we have one song done. Yeah, it's done. We have A Reparation of Light Pavilions on MP3. Unfortunately, we don't have the bandwidth to host any MP3s on the website, so you'll have to get it directly from one of us, until our accounts with and are up and running. I'm going to put my AIM screen name on my bio page. If you want to hear the song, IM me, and I'll send it over to you. Also, we'll be playing at the Landmark on Friday, February 25th. Be sure to check it out.



Sorry for the lack of updates. We're now a few days into the recording sessions. The first song to go up on the website will most likely be Nitrous Oxide. We'll have it finished and online as soon as possible. More news to come.



Tomorrow, we will begun recording on a borrowed four track recorder (special thanks to Dan Febrer), and eventually, we'll have it on the website, and on CD. We're going to have a few copies available, but it will be on the website. The idea behind it being online is so that we can get feedback from you guys about which songs should go on the demo that we will be recording in a couple of months. I'll be back tomorrow with more news.



Ok... Unfortunatley, it looks like the new advancement in talking has brought about the end of the sea monkey's reign. So just keep that in mind the next time you sink your teeth into a nice, ripe, juicy, blue green tomato.



A new section has been added. You can now review our shows, starting with our show at The Landmark, 10/25/02. Let us know what you think if you were at the show. Peace.



Sorry, we've been without update for a while. Well, not much has been going on in the world of Flight From Wonder. The Amnesty show was cancelled, and then we were supposed to play a private performance in an undisclosed basement, but a recent turn of events has left me bassless for a week or so, which means the performance didn't happen, and rehearsals will resume once I reacquire my instruments. Also, as soon as I sell my turntables, I'll have the money to finish paying off that beautiful 1978 Rickenbacker 4001 bass that I've been waiting on for some time. With the return of rehearsals, we'll be recording some rough copies of the songs, and posting them on the website. Hopefully, we'll have a poll up to see which songs you guys think should go on the 3-5 song demo that we'll be recording within the next few months. Alright, I gotta go. Sign the guestbook.



I updated the site. All of the lyrics are posted except for When They Watch, which I'll try to do tonight. Also, bios are up for Thom, Raj, and I. Check those out.



Ok, this is the first official update on the site. There isn't much news to report, but I'll do my best. We have a show coming up Friday, January 10th, for Amnesty International. Other bands performing include The Dotted Line and Just This Minute. More info on this show in the events section.

Also, we wrote a new song yesterday. It's called A Reparation of Light Pavilions, and lyrics have been posted for it. It will be debuted next friday, at the Amnesty show. Hope you like it.
