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Finch New Beginnings


Depressant Outline I. What are depressants, how do they work? A. Depressants are chemical agents that decrease body function or activity. B. “Depressants intended to act on the CNS do so by increasing the activity of a particular neurotransmitter known as gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA).” (Psyhist,1) C. GABA calms the central nervous system and increases the ability to sleep. II. Effects of Depressants A. Ability to get to sleep better. B. Anxiety and nervousness greatly decreased C. If large amounts of GABA are released it can slow breathing and the heart rate. D. Can stunt motor functions, resulting in slurred speech, dizziness, and loss of coordination. III. Two Classes of Depressants A. Barbiturates i. Typically used to control seizures ease anxiety and control anxiety ii. If used regularly barbiturates can become habit forming iii. For the most part barbiturates have been replaced by safer medications B. Benzodiazepines i. Typically a tranquilizer or a sleeping pill ii. Also used to cope with insomnia anxiety or even emotional difficulties iii. Safer than barbiturates iv. Can sometimes be used to help with alcohol dependency. IV. Abuse A. When used with alcohol depressants can be extremely dangerous. B. After abusing a depressant particularly barbiturates the withdrawal is so strong that if you were using regularly and quit cold turkey your chances of your body shitting down and death are extremely great. C. “At high doses or when they are abused, many of these drugs can cause unconsciousness and death.” (Psyhist, 1)

Scriped By Arthur Neumann