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¤º§º¤Å Le±±er Öf Wårñing¤º§º¤
Wednesday, 8 December 2004
holy sh(i)t...its been a while
Mood:  hungry
its december, i havn't been on here since August...4 months...thats a pretty long time...i never knew that this was still guess I should start updating more offten. Anyways, I'm in class right now. Jenn and Ashley are workin on our project. A lot of sh(i)ts beein goin on at school totally. We'll for some people, not all. Jodi fell last nite, on her head, and some PEOPLE who I wont name, decided to LIE and say that I said that jodi almost broke her neck...which i totally didn't say and I'll post that in my livejournal...who if anyone reads them my livejournal screenname is: 666fallen_angel
But yea. Im sick of people going f(u)cking dramatic. But I'll just post the convo on livejournal, and then people can see REALLY what the he(ll) was said.
But yea, I'm gonna go now, and write on there. and be bored, and hungry, because i can't eat cuz im sick...yay go me!
Ciao - Mandy

Posted by band2/fallen_angel0 at 2:00 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 8 December 2004 2:01 PM EST
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Wednesday, 25 August 2004
WHOOOOAH Long time...
Mood:  a-ok
Aug. 25th - 04
Well, I havn't been on here in quit sometime..holy sh*T. Anyways...for some reason, my picture link is down, which really sucks. I dunno why, but as soon as it gets fixed, I will update with new pics. Well, I've been working too much...But my room is almost done, everything is painted, the floor's just gotta be put in and then all my new stuff can go in. I get my drum kit next week, which is gonna kick but. Im mad at the school, they messed up my sced.! But Im goin on Monday to fix the problems. But yea, its so freakin' cold right now, and I dont know why. Its really hot out side tho. I havnt written any music lately, I guess that's what work does to ya...Gives you know time to do anything else...I'd rather be writing, then working. But I dont have a choice. But I think Im gonna go now, I'm sure I'll be back on tonite, considering I now know that this site is working again. So Ciao for now...


Posted by band2/fallen_angel0 at 3:01 PM EDT
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Thursday, 8 July 2004
Wednesday going on Thursday
Who ever missed my party Monday, you all suck! was a good time, even tho I got in sh*t for it...thats okay, it was worth the fun. Meh, I'll be fine in a couple weeks, just gotta give my parents time to get over it...Even tho they both laughed at me. Oh well, Im gonna go...PEOPLE go to my web site "FallenAngel" and sign my guestbook, or sign the other guest book...soon there will be pics up in one from Monday nite...Yes, Jodi...SMASHED will be in there...:~P from me to you...hehe
Alrighty you guys, I'll write again later

Byes....Ciao ¤º§º¤ƒållëñºåñgël¤º§º¤

Posted by band2/fallen_angel0 at 1:09 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 9 July 2004 11:39 PM EDT
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Thursday, 1 July 2004
Its my birthday....
well, its my birthday, im bored, im on msn playin solitaire against to Sarah and Amber aswell...U guys are hot! WOO...okay...yes...happy canada's day everyone...and come to the beack @ 5pm Monday July 5th~ Bring $ for mini putting! were gonna have a lot of fun...and then karaoke and s'mores at my! need anything else and Q's, call me!
Ciao! Mandy xoxox

Posted by band2/fallen_angel0 at 12:26 AM EDT
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Sunday, 27 June 2004
well, its been a while.....
Well hello people, I've been off this thing for a while, i've been working hours with no end and no break...So as people keep asking, I work 6 days a week, with only Monday's off...:| i worked 9.5 hours wednesday, and 9 hours thursday, 8 hours friday, 6 hours saturday and 8.5 hours today...god, Im gonna die, and I have to work even more next week...Well, its 5 days away from a birthday full of nothing...hmm, what the hell am I gonna do...oh well, i guess nothing, cuz that seems to be everything...okay, I'm tired, I'm gonna go
Ciao, Mandy xoxo

Posted by band2/fallen_angel0 at 11:05 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 22 June 2004
Well, today was the day...that day we all wait for every year...the last day of school...WOO! Congrates to all the Class of 2003/2004! Best of luck and wishes for you in your future! Remember "Growing old is neccesary, growing up is optional"..."Lifes a party, always go out with a Blast!!!" And to those who dont graduate this year...Hurry and get out of my school! Hmmm, well, because of my job now, I wont be able to go to the grad:(...Which isn't to bad, cuz now I wont cry...well, I guess I'll cry anyways...Cuz I'm gonna miss you all! My friends! The school will never be the same...Annnnnd, for a more happier note, Im going to Karey's party tonite! which every one will be able to see pictures after, lol...Where do I NOT have my camera?! Its always with me. You can never get sick of memories, especialy the ones with my friends, cuz you guys rock! You make life a lighter one, beacuse we all know we have the weight of the world on our sholders...Cuz were trying to take it over...Which we all know we cant do, so what the heck, we mine as well think we can! Alright, I gotta go get my stuff together, so I can PARTY!!! WOOO!! SCHOOLS OUT!!!!!!!!!! and time for work, but, I got money! lol
Ciao everyone! have a safe and happy summer!
((P.S. Dont drink too much, and if you do, drive slow!...haha, jk, DONT DRINK AND DRIVE!!))

Posted by band2/fallen_angel0 at 2:41 PM EDT
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New website.....
well, I decided to build on the whole website thing...cuz this one is kinda

there...for anyone who cares to see

Posted by band2/fallen_angel0 at 12:33 AM EDT
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Saturday, 19 June 2004
12 days and counting....*crushed dreams* (just keep steppin on me, soon I'll be under the ground you walk on)
count down to utter loneliness...yup, gonna be all alone on the one day out of the whole year that I should be happy on...Apparently its 'cancelled' this wtf is that. I'll just spend the day laying on my bedroom floor wishin I were dead, thanks to the people who brought me into this f-ed up word. *If I could only go back in time, I'd stop them from having kids..(at least me anyways)* Oh, it sucks being depressed. Who wants to bet if I'll make it to the end of highschool?!...yeah, jk.. :| Today was the most boring day ever, all my friends died, or they just dont wanna answer the phone...*call display* Well, I went out for dinner yesterday and completely cried my eyes out, thanx again to those people...Im glad you think that I waist my life, *ya know, the one I DONT have* heres a quote for everyone "One in a Million people make it somewhere with music, and I dont think you'll ever be one, so get a new dream, cuz that one wont come true...Sorry hun, but its true." yes, I love you too. Why is it that I feel so empty and lifeless all the time? Everyone is out, enjoying life, getting good grades in school, have jobs...and me, nope, Im a nothing. and 'stupid' and people would say...or wait, most of the time I'm invisible. I know you chose to pretend that I dont exist and just talk to me when you need sh*t done...Im not a house maid!! Hello, do you even care?!?! Well at least you act like you do when something bad shows up on a certain someone, and then you just proceed to make me feel like a waist of life space. I love it when you ask whats wrong, and when I tell you, you call me stupid, and then you wonder why I dont tell you anything...Yes, "dont cry, or I'll give you something to cry about.." hmmm, like that makes me feel better. Family, life, friends, am I just waisting my time, cuz no one really seems to care or understand...what happened to friends being there when you need them...well, where was everyone??? 'Home is Where the Heart Is' well, I guess mine is missing, cuz this doesn't feel like home. Its four walls, that I still feel cold in, no matter how hot it is outside, or inside...well, I cant say much more with out making myself, bye...


Posted by band2/fallen_angel0 at 10:14 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 19 June 2004 10:53 PM EDT
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Friday, 18 June 2004
Broken Dreams
Just walk away and slam the door, there nothing else your good for. Constantly causing pain on the out side, trying to drown out the sound of the screaming pain filling me on the inside. So many nights I sit by my window, wishing for rainy days to come, what can I make out of with a worthless lie of a life, Im not wanted, I just get abandend. So many tears waster, crying over this worthless life, they say is mine to make of. Blinding walls and peircing words, cutting threw me like an arrow, constantly missing its target, and coming back for more. More screams, more cries, yet no one hears, its all on the inside. How do I get up, from falling so far, so far from what they call reality. With tear stained eyes, I try to see threw the lies, but its all that surrounds me. You and the lies of what is real and what isn't there. Even in my room where I sit, I no longer feel safe, I try to hold my breath, and close my eyes, I no longer want to look into the mirror and have to see what I see. Afraid of everything that is around me, Look what you've done to me. And now you say you dont want me. What was the point in bringing me into this life, to only make it hell for me, cant you see whats happening, what im going threw? I tried before to see if what flows in my vaines is any different from you, but I bleed just as you do. I know where my heart is, but where is yours? Obviously there is no trace of you even having one. You keep it in a box under your bed, where the monsters are that haunt my dreams and tare me to peices. I walk on broken class, of my fragile class heart that you've shatared all over the floor...too small to put bach together, and to painfull to live without. I try so hard to get out of this dark place im trapped in, trying to pull my way threw, all the f**kin' crap you say and do, does this pain give plesure to you? You've filled my head with evil and monsters, driving me insain. Im crawling on the floor, moving to your every comand, what more do you want?! I do nothing anymore, I cant even think, I dont even think I can move to blink, I lay still on my floor, thinking of thats gone on, and still is, running like movies constantly playing thew my mind. Im broken, and out spoken, I have no more to say, I've never said anything before to make it this way. I try to run from you, but Im held back, by the chains of your words wrapped around my hands and feet. How many times are you going to tell me, you dont want me? Are you trying to push me to suicide? your supposed to be there for me, yet you do nothing. I see the edge, its getting nearer, everyday, closer and closer, kreeping up behind me, just waiting for me to turn around and jump. Jump into the arms of death, and lay in rest...for the best? I can almost hear it knocking at my back door. Its calling for me, I can hear it, awake, asleep, it echos in the halls, and its even in the walls. I dont understand what you think your doing, but are you so f**kin' blind, as to see right threw me. As if you dont see. Do you chose to ignor it, or do you enjoy it? I can see my final day, as this one comes to an end. I cant sleep, Im afraid I wont wake up. I can feel your ice cold hands around my neck, taking my last breath. Is it to late to be saved? You keep me blinded from the truth, like your hinding something. With every step I take, I can feel you breath running down my back. No matter how near or far you are. Your voice is a monster lurcing in the dark, waiting for me to be alone, to take what's left of me. I am the one you hear crying at nite, facing everything alone, even the ones who said were friends, arn't even there anymore. As I finally see, they were never there for me, it was all waisted years, waisted time. Possibly the only time I had. For now I can feel time quickly passing by, leaving me behind, living all the past. Im starting to run out of words to describe whats going on, and how I feel. And then there will be nothing left of me. Nothing to say, nothing to live for, nothing worth feeling for. I cant even feel the cuts and burns no more. It scares me to know that. Im screaming for someone to help me, save me from this all, take me away. I can hear the rain drops at my window, with every drop, it tells a story, of the past, echoing in my mind, from time to time. Actually all the time, I just hide it. With a smile and a brush off the sholder, and always holding everything inside, I try to live the best I can, watching friends around me, moving on, falling, and helping them back up. Keeping them on their feet, wishing with all I have in me, that they will never have to go threw what I do. But you, dark and lonely nitghs, its only me, and only you...

M. McBride


Posted by band2/fallen_angel0 at 4:05 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 19 June 2004 10:52 PM EDT
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Loneliness has no fill of ligt,
Only a dark filled room,
With one window, one way, seeing out.
Letting in voices of memories, pain, hurt,
the call of all that is lost...No connection
with reality.

All locked up inside...screaming, crying,
to be let out, but in a room filled with
people, no one one cares.
And the only thing that can help you out,
is the one thing, thats locking you in...

M. McBride


Posted by band2/fallen_angel0 at 3:55 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 19 June 2004 10:53 PM EDT
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