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AutoViewer-Pro Documentation

Thank you for purchasing AutoViewer-Pro. Below is documentation to help you customize AutoViewer to fit your requirements.

AutoViewer-Pro Files

\deliver\ folder contains files to post to your website.
\source\ folder contains source files required to compile AutoViewer.
\documentation\ folder contains this documentation.
\documentation\examples\ folder contains examples of embedding AutoViewer in a Flash or HTML document (see Embedding AutoViewer)

Customizing AutoViewer

There are 3 ways to customize AutoViewer: by modifying the options file, the library symbols, or the source code.

Customizing AutoViewer requires Macromedia Flash 8 Authoring Software. A free 30-day trial can be downloaded here.

Customizing AutoViewer Options

To customize AutoViewer Options

AutoViewer Options Descriptions:

View descriptions of the AutoViewer options.

Customizing AutoViewer Symbols

To change the visual appearance of elements in AutoViewer, edit the Library Symbols in the autoviewer.fla file.

To customize Library Symbols:

Library Symbol Descriptions:

To change button or font appearance you can

Customizing AutoViewer-Pro Source Code

For customization not covered by the 2 methods above, you can directly edit the source code. AutoViewer source code is AS2.

AutoViewer classes can be found in the folder: \source\com\airtightinteractive\apps\viewers\autoViewer\

The classes that comprise AutoViewer are as follows:


Embedding AutoViewer

When displaying AutoViewer on your site you can use the standard full-page HTML template, or you may chose to embed AutoViewer inside a HTML website or another Flash Movie.

Embedding AutoViewer in a HTML page

Check the \documentation\examples\HTML Embed\ folder for examples of embedding AutoViewer in a HTML document. There are 2 example files:

Embedding AutoViewer in a Flash Movie

Check the example file here: \documentation\examples\Flash Embed\example_embed.fla

Note you can use the _global.AVStageWidth and _global.AVStageHeight values to hard-code a fixed width and height for AutoViewer to use.


AutoViewer-Pro is supported via an online forum. Please check the forum for questions and answers on using AutoViewer-Pro.

Terms of Use

AutoViewer-Pro may be used in any kinds of personal and\or commercial projects. Each purchase provides a single-user license. License applies for multiple projects and\or websites. AutoViewer-Pro may not be redistributed or resold to other companies or third parties.

AutoViewer and AutoViewer-Pro © Felix Turner 2006. All rights reserved.
