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Necrodeathfuck says:

Dubbul Ded is a musical venture of such brilliance that we can render our compositions so uninvolving and yet so brutal that they literally drag the listener through barbed wire, across mine fields and into stump grinders. Dubbul Ded will kill you...TWICE.

Evilgutcrush sehz:

Dubbul Ded iz ded metuhl band frum portland, oregun. wea r thee mohst br0000000tal ded metul band in de wurld

im am geenus heer ded bnd in Nekro jusst mie peeon iz

hear iz thuh songz uv owr'z:

Necrodeathfuck says:

Pownding thu Ded This is a classic track. Listen for my vocals, they're through a pitch shifter. If you've never heard Dubbul Ded before, you should probably listen to either this one (to hear what our style is generally like) or "C is for Cookie."

Thuh Septick Ded Almost too sick for ded metal. OUR NEWEST SONG

C is For Cookie (Ded metal remix) This is the first song we recorded. A classic remix of a badass song.

Myoozik iz Ded This one is where we were messing with my drum machine making random patterns, and since my vocals weren't really strong enough to use clean or even pitch shifted down a mere octave, we used one layer of them pitch shifted down one octave and a second layer pitch shifted down two.

Thaer Ded This is the second song we recorded. I, Necrodeathfuck, took a couple sound files of me roaring when I was like 16, and pitch shifted them. 400 bpm blast beats, guitar downtuned two octaves and a pitch shifted vacuum cleaner!

fan syt mie bhush


Necrodeathfuck can be reached at:

Also on AIM as: HumanHolocaust

Uncle Hyman