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IDEAS: I want to start a band. The music I want to create is Rock. I want to blend the music together, meaning Rock with a little Pop, Hip hop, some rap..who knows maybe country...j/k. All music will be rock based (It's just easier for the critics :D)

WHY:Why not? I love to create, play, and perform Music. Do what you love and you'll always be happy! This is more than a hobby to me. It is my career. One of my motto's is "If your band is still playing local shows after 2 or 3 years...Something is wrong."

BIO:I have been on stage since the age of 4. Done acting, dancing, and playing violin. Time to add singing to the list. Music is art. People have called me an artist in all areas of my talents. Do I see it? Eh, It comes natural. Am I a musician? If it means singing to share your music, singing because you love to, or/and having a passion for it. Then yes!!

What I am looking for:Musicians who are: open-minded, passionate, and who like to have fun.

Plain and simple!

note: sorry for basement quality music. (Hey at least it's something!)

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