ession Start (AIM - hateater:OneDarkFlame628): Sun Feb 08 10:30:31 2004 OneDarkFlame628: call me out huh? Session Start (AIM - hateater:OneDarkFlame628): Sun Feb 08 10:30:31 2004 OneDarkFlame628: call me out huh? hateater: sure OneDarkFlame628: tell me the next show ur gonna be at and ill call ur ass out OneDarkFlame628: tell me the next show ur gonna be at and ill call ur ass out OneDarkFlame628: u fucking piece of shit OneDarkFlame628: u fucking piece of shit OneDarkFlame628: ill rip ur fucking head off and feed it to ralphie OneDarkFlame628: ill rip ur fucking head off and feed it to ralphie OneDarkFlame628: so tell me what band ur in OneDarkFlame628: so tell me what band ur in OneDarkFlame628: leave it at the door? OneDarkFlame628: leave it at the door? OneDarkFlame628: fucking faggit OneDarkFlame628: fucking faggit OneDarkFlame628: thats what i thought OneDarkFlame628: thats what i thought OneDarkFlame628: shut the fuck up about ralphie unless u want ur head removed from ur shouolders OneDarkFlame628: shut the fuck up about ralphie unless u want ur head removed from ur shouolders hateater: leave it at the door sucks *** Auto-response from OneDarkFlame628: Nothing from no where, im no one at all, radiate, recognize one silent call, as we all form, one dark flame... *** Auto-response from OneDarkFlame628: Nothing from no where, im no one at all, radiate, recognize one silent call, as we all form, one dark flame... hateater: but you can calm down Session Close (OneDarkFlame628): Sun Feb 08 10:34:21 2004 Session Close (OneDarkFlame628): Sun Feb 08 10:34:48 2004 Session Start (AIM - hateater:OneDarkFlame628): Sun Feb 08 10:59:14 2004 OneDarkFlame628: u can shut the fuck up hateater: hmm...... hateater: ok OneDarkFlame628: if u ever insult any of my friends ever again..and i find out who u are OneDarkFlame628: oh god hateater: hey hateater: get this hateater: your friends are whores, and they fucking blow musically OneDarkFlame628: ur face at another show..i dare u homeboy hateater: i hope they all die hateater: homeboy? OneDarkFlame628: yeh u fucking piece of shit hateater: who the fuck says homeboy hateater: and read my last post you moron OneDarkFlame628: this motherfucker does..and when i find out who u are u better fucking watch ur self OneDarkFlame628: i dont give one fuck about ur last post hateater: i am not insulting them anymore, just tyring to fucking help them hateater: uh oh! OneDarkFlame628: no ur not hateater: i better watch myself! OneDarkFlame628: u stupid fuck hateater: oh nooooo! hateater: hey just for fun hateater: beat the ass of every fag at leave it at the door OneDarkFlame628: s smartass..notice how u didnt ever leave ur name hateater: i might be one of them! hateater: it's because you don't know me OneDarkFlame628: dude..everyone hates leave it at the door OneDarkFlame628: lol hateater: if i left my name it would mean nothing hateater: ok yes hateater: everyone hates them hateater: so beat their asses OneDarkFlame628: it would mean i could find out who u are and beat the living fuck out of u hateater: it is quite a drive from where you live hateater: + i have a baseball bat hateater: =P OneDarkFlame628: u didnt have one last night did u OneDarkFlame628: i didnt fucking think so OneDarkFlame628: please..come to the next ralphie show..and ask for josh jeffers OneDarkFlame628: i dare u hateater: i had one last night hateater: what are you talking about hateater: josh jeffers is a fruity name hateater: you should change it OneDarkFlame628: haha OneDarkFlame628: hahahaha hateater: HAHAHAHAHA OneDarkFlame628: offer is still open ralphie show..ask sum1 who i am..and find me..and see what happens to u OneDarkFlame628: i dare u OneDarkFlame628: u fucking god damn worthless piece of shit OneDarkFlame628: god i am going to rip ur fucking head off when i find out who u are Session Close (OneDarkFlame628): Sun Feb 08 11:04:31 2004 Session Start (AIM - hateater:OneDarkFlame628): Sun Feb 08 12:44:41 2004 hateater: (Link: hateater: tell me what you think of that OneDarkFlame628: fuck off b4 i rip out ur heart and eat it hateater: hmmm hateater: ok hateater: i <3 you too OneDarkFlame628: FUCK OFF U PIECE OF SHIT OneDarkFlame628: I AM GOING TO BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF U hateater: i <3 you!!!!! OneDarkFlame628: YEH U DO U GOD DAMN FAGGIT hateater: btw- i fucked up the guestbook, so dont plan on posting there anytime soon OneDarkFlame628: U ALSO LOVE THE COCK hateater: and it is spelled faggot... OneDarkFlame628: U WOULD KNO hateater: yes i would hateater: i have spelled it many a time OneDarkFlame628: U FUCKIN G COCK LOVING PIECE OF SHIT hateater: =0 OneDarkFlame628: WHY DID U FUCK UP THE GUESTBOOK hateater: that is harsh! OneDarkFlame628: WHY WOULD U DO SUMTHING SO USELESS AS THAT hateater: because ralphie sucks dick and they don't deserve any praise OneDarkFlame628: I SWEAR TO GOD..WHEN I FIND OUT WHO U ARE..I AM GOING TO HURT U MAN OneDarkFlame628: I SWEAR TO GOD hateater: lol.... i doubt you could hateater: i am a pretty big guy OneDarkFlame628: OH REALLY OneDarkFlame628: IM WORRIED NOW hateater: 5' 3" , 135 lbs OneDarkFlame628: .....' OneDarkFlame628: UR HUGE OneDarkFlame628: OH GOD hateater: haha OneDarkFlame628: HELP OneDarkFlame628: IM SORRY MAN hateater: i will bite your kneecaps OneDarkFlame628: I DIDNT KNO U WERE THAT INTIMIDATING hateater: you know what is really intimidating? OneDarkFlame628: U WERE ONE OF THOSE FAGGITS THAT KEPT MOSHING DOWN FRONT WERENT U... hateater: your huge capital letters.... please... god no!!! stop!!!!!!! OneDarkFlame628: THAT ONE LIZARD LOOKING ARABIAN GUY hateater: no i was not hateater: lmao hateater: no i am white hateater: and i didn't mosh sorry OneDarkFlame628: U WEAR TIGHT PANTS DONT U? hateater: no hateater: sorry OneDarkFlame628: i would love nothing more than to watch u bleed to death hateater: that is pretty sick... you should get help OneDarkFlame628: will u please stop iming me b4 i make my fantasy become a reality hateater: hmmm hateater: i would like ot see you try hateater: if you ever foudn out who this was hateater: you wouldnt even bother OneDarkFlame628: exactly..ur a scared lttle pussy who wont give out ur name hateater: yep hateater: and you are a fucking fag who has to send out death threats to people for no reason other than the fact that he likes an all girl emo band hateater: pussy OneDarkFlame628: u like leave it at the door OneDarkFlame628: enough said hateater: the fucking blow ass hateater: who ever said i like enough said OneDarkFlame628: GO AWAY U GOD DAMN FAG OneDarkFlame628: PLEASE hateater: ok OneDarkFlame628: JESUS CHRIST hateater: bye hateater: oh by the way- just to clear things up hateater: i dont like an all girl emo band, and you do- therefore, you are a homosexual, and i will not have sex with you so stop asking OneDarkFlame628: NEXT SHOW MAN..PLEASE..JUST COME OUT AND SAY IM RALPHIES #1 FAN OneDarkFlame628: THATS ALL U GOTA DO hateater: why hateater: you are their number one fan hateater: i would never go to see that pussy ass band again hateater: and i swear to god your a fucking homo for liking them hateater: on top of that, they are fucking ugly church hoes.... and you still like that band? OneDarkFlame628: i swear to god im going to rip our ur heart and feed it to ralphie hateater: gimme a break hateater: lol you are so lame OneDarkFlame628: u are a tight jeaned cock sucking god damn piece of shit..who likes leave it at the door...keep sucking the cock man..and dont talk to me anymore if u kno whats good for u hateater: i know what is good for me hateater: vitamins OneDarkFlame628: and thats sucking the cock OneDarkFlame628: thats whats good for u hateater: and your moms raunchy stank ass vaginal hole OneDarkFlame628: so stick one back in ur mouth OneDarkFlame628: and shut the fuck up hateater: tell me why the fuck you like this band so much OneDarkFlame628: i dont like them..all of them are my friends..and ther was no reason for u to say anything on their god damn guesbook hateater: and for the last time- leave it at the door sucks just as much- if not more- than ralphie OneDarkFlame628: their first show was crappy OneDarkFlame628: so what hateater: i never said that OneDarkFlame628: let it go u cock sucking piece of shit hateater: let what go OneDarkFlame628: PUT A PENIS BACK IN UR MOUTH CHOKE ON IT AND DIE OneDarkFlame628: I SWEAR TO GOD WHEN I FIND OUT WHO U ARE...U ...OH MY GOD hateater: if i had a penis in my mouth- which i would never have because i fucking love the ladies; but if i did, i would still be able to type OneDarkFlame628: JUST STOP TALKING TO ME MAN hateater: no hateater: you called me a fucking tight jeans wearing towel head OneDarkFlame628: u are hateater: and i am not a fucking sand nigger OneDarkFlame628: U GOD DAMN SON OF A BITCH OneDarkFlame628: IM GOING TO BEAT THE FUCK OUT OF U hateater: nor do i wear tight jeans OneDarkFlame628: SHUT UP hateater: no you arent OneDarkFlame628: GOD DAMN IT hateater: you wont do shit pussy hateater: you want my name? OneDarkFlame628: I CANT DO SHIT BECAUSE U WONT FUCKING TELL ME WHO THE FUCK U ARE hateater: you want my fucking name? OneDarkFlame628: FUCK YEH I DO hateater: JEARMEY BITCH hateater: DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT OneDarkFlame628: AHAHAHA OneDarkFlame628: U ARE A FUCKING RETARD MAN OneDarkFlame628: U ARE WORTHLESS hateater: =D OneDarkFlame628: UR LIFE AMOUNTS ABOUT AS MUCH AS THIS CONVERSATION DOES OneDarkFlame628: SO PLEASE OneDarkFlame628: SHUT THE FUCK UP OneDarkFlame628: FOR THE LAST TIME hateater: why OneDarkFlame628: EITHER TELL ME WHO U ARE hateater: what the fuck are you going to do OneDarkFlame628: OR DONT TALK TO ME hateater: i am jearmey hateater: what are you talking about hateater: i gave you my name OneDarkFlame628: DUDE..IF I FIND OUT WHO U ARE..AND I SEE U AT A SHOW..IM NOT GONNA SAY A WORD..IM JUST GONNA BEAT THE SHIT OUTA U hateater: now do something pussy hateater: you wont do shit OneDarkFlame628: BY GOD U FUCKING WAIT AND SEE hateater: your just some fat fucking faggot pimply faced computer nerd OneDarkFlame628: HAHAHAHA OneDarkFlame628: OR I COULD BE A HARDCORE SK8ER hateater: ooooo a hardcore sk"8"er OneDarkFlame628: WHO DONT GIVE ONE RAT FUCK ABOUT ANYTHING RIGHT NOW BESIDES BEATHING UR FUCKING BRAINS OUT hateater: dude i will fucking run you over with my CAR OneDarkFlame628: I HAVE A CAR TOO OneDarkFlame628: CONGRATS ON HAVING A CAR MAN OneDarkFlame628: IM HAPPY FOR U hateater: nooo... please... dont beath my fucking brains out OneDarkFlame628: U FUCKING FAGG OneDarkFlame628: SHUT THE FUCK UP U FUCKING PUSSY OneDarkFlame628: GO AWAY hateater: you don't drive... your a hardcore SK8ER!!!!! OneDarkFlame628: DSONT SAY ANOTHER GOD DAMN THINK TO ME hateater: you talk like a fucking child hateater: why OneDarkFlame628: U ACT LIKE A FUCKING CHILD hateater: ?? OneDarkFlame628: U TALK SHIT THEN WONT GIVE UR NAME TO ANYONE hateater: how? OneDarkFlame628: THEN U MAKE UP A NAME OneDarkFlame628: THATS REAL COOL hateater: ok hateater: then hateater: my name is... matt hateater: happy? OneDarkFlame628: CONGRATS ON BEING THE BIGGEST LOSER I KNO hateater: go hunt down a guy named matt OneDarkFlame628: HAHA MAN... hateater: you just said you dont know who i am OneDarkFlame628: JUST STOP TALKING hateater: you don't believe me? hateater: my name is matt hateater: i am not lying hateater: what was your name again? big pussy who likes girl emo bands? OneDarkFlame628: Josh Jeffers OneDarkFlame628: come find me OneDarkFlame628: please OneDarkFlame628: no sorry OneDarkFlame628: i lied like u did OneDarkFlame628: haha im cool OneDarkFlame628: my name is matt purdie hateater: that is a gay name if it your real name hateater: my name is matt hateater: but purdie is a gay last name OneDarkFlame628: dude *** OneDarkFlame628 signed off at Sun Feb 08 13:04:40 2004. *** Error while sending IM: Request denied Session Close (OneDarkFlame628): Sun Feb 08 13:05:00 2004
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