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June 1, 2003

Schreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeech....(the sound of progress coming to a halt). Well what can I say? It happens from time to time in a bands history. Just as things were really starting to move ahead for Deadfall one of its own stabbed it in the back. I won't mention the name of the soulless poser because they are now forgotten. Anyway on the bright side the rest of the band is now more dedicated than ever. Shortly talks will begin with others who have the balls to be in a band. We may be down but by no means out. Maybe its for the best, with the weak link gone our chain is only stronger. When we get things straightened out we will post new songs as well as our old ones. The old ones will sound different then because they will be played by four people who practice what they preach and not someone who just wants to fit in. The Masked Man has spoken....don't piss me off.
April 27, 2003

The first audio samples are up at mp3. com. Just go to the media section and get yourself a listen. Keep in mind that these songs are only DEMO quality. But as we ge better at recording so will the samples.