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DAM-itch's kick ass site(who the fuck r u kidding)

well basically i dont remember when i was born. and i have been really wasted l8ly so i have no idea what i do. but i decided to make a website(actually erik is making it) to tell you about my fun and xiting life. hello, and greating from dam-itch. how are things with you?¿? thats nice. this would be a good time to start the introduction to this site. there will be a lot of rambling and other nonsencical topics. i guess ull have fun reading this...if you actually bother(i wouldnt) b4 i begin to ramble i have one question for all of you....Y ARE ALL AMERICANS IGNORANT?? well neways im mitch i have a mohawk and no friends so how the fuck are you reading this??? i have another do you kep 3 million ppl from caring what goes on in the world????? MASS if you have made it this far pull out your punch bowl,fill it wit rat poison cuz its shure as hell better than this shit.

y you shouldnt be reading this

My Favorite Web Sites

best games out there
Best site in the fucking world(xept porn)