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Louis Bio
Tyler Bio

Hey this is Daleth's bio. We started up at a church lock-in in July in 2002. We started off jamming on the guitars and we realized that with no intension of starting a band or anything, we started a ministry. So we figured we would give it a try. Louis wrote lyrics to a song called Test My Faith, and within a couple hours Tyler had the music, and that is when we realized what talent God gave us. Just a little insight on what we are about here. We are from Goldsboro and have been playing for about a year and 3 months now. Unlike most bands there are only two of us. Louis the bass guitarist and vocalist and Tyler who is the guitarist player and also a vocalist. Your probably wondering what kind of band we are. Well we were a praise and worship style and if you want me to be more specific were like a "Third Day" style. We play praise and worship songs, and we play a lot of songs from Third Day. Not only have we been doing praise and worship songs, but we have put a couple of our own written songs together, and are anxious to get things started. However our style of music has changed and has boosted our music tremendously. Well I believe that about wraps it up for now.