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Consgrafelope Goes to College

This May the three entrepreneurs of Consgrafelope Incorporated walked the halls of their high school for the last time in order to embark on a new journey - college! For the past four years these three entrepreneurs have left their mark on their school and on the people around them. (Sometimes literally. See big wood table in bandroom for evidence of such.) While it has been a desolate time for these three, as they being to realize the vast change that will soon be upon them as they leave their school, their friends and each other behind, it has also been a time to reminiscence about the many memories they have had together, especially since the convocation of Consgrafelope Inc. took place four years ago. It has been fun, it has been memorable and it most of all, it has been something the entrepreneurs will never forget. Consgrafelope Inc. will continue to be a part of each of them, along with all of those people who were fortunate to share in Consgrafelope Inc. over the past four years. This is not a goodbye however! Rather, this is a goodluck to the entrepreneurs as they leave for their respective schools this fall and as the tradition of Consgrafelope Inc. lives on through all of us, especially in the entrepreneurs second home - the bandroom.

The Story of Consgrafelope Inc.

Consgrafelope Inc. was originally started as a fresh, under-the-table dried goods company whose goal was to supply everyone with all of their dried good needs. It is now a much larger project. (Not really but we like to think of our company as a growing and prosperous company within the city limits of the little town in which we live.) The founders of Consgrafelope Inc. have a lot of time on their hands hence their motto, "We have a lot of time on our hands." They have a rather large collection of sugar packets (450+ as of now) and come marching band season you might find them walking around at their school's football games as the infamous BQ's (Band Queers aka Band Geeks) that they are. Unlike what many people believe, there is more to these bona fide entrepreneurs than the naked eye alone can see. They each have a secret identity. Stacey is Super Gopher, Courtney is Constipated Chipmunk and Dessa is Delirious Caribou. What does this mean you ask? Absolutely nothing. This all goes back to their company motto, We have too much time on our hands. Their secret identities have no inner meaning to them nor do they really have any truth to them for clearly Stacey is not a gopher, Courtney is not a chipmunk and Dessa is not a caribou. They aren't super heroes and they don't really have a strong ambition to be super heroes in the near future although walking around with a cape on would be pretty cool. They are probably incapable of ever saving you from a burning building and they probably could never save you from an evil villian. Although if you ever need something taken apart or fixed they are pretty handy mechanics. (I don't know what the last few sentences have to do with Consgrafelope Inc but at least now you know some background information.) If you have any questions or comments for us or any ideas for our company or our website feel free to email us at

The band trip to Denver was an "unique" experience for the whole band, but especially Consgrafelope Inc. At Six Flags, riding the roller coasters was truly a bonding experience. Riding the rides at Water World along with Brett was the same. Eating at Denny's with Mrs. Hodgen is most certainly something we will remember for a long time - especially the mini hamburgers. On this trip we found many signs of encouragement from the world (mainly Denver) that let us know that the world is completely and 100% behind having a small, dried goods company, such as us, succeed in the ever changing business world. I think we would all agree that the most conspicuous of these signs had to be what we found at Coors Field. We had been talking about having a banner of ours up to advertise our company on the field in the place of the "King Soopers" store's sign, when it was time to go to the gift shop before we began our voyage home. I believe it was Andy who told us to look up and when we did, BEHOLD! Right in front of our very own, and very acute eyes were the two words that describe our company like no other two words ever could. What were these words you ask? "Dry Goods" of course. The one thing we are, in a remote way, known for, smack dab on the Colorado Rockies gift shop sign. We most irrevocably took this as a indication that we will do great things as a dried goods company and I think those of you who know us can attest to this conclusion even though our first school year as a company hasn't been the utmost profitable. We are vivaciously optimistic for upcoming years though and we hope that you who are reading this continue to seek Consgrafelope Inc for all of your dried good needs.


-The Consgrafelope Inc. Dried Goods Catalog


-The Consgrafelope Inc. Sugar Packet Collection

¿No hable inglés?Consgrafelope Inc. is now available in Spanish! Beware that the translation might be a little rough but it hopefully is close enough to understand it. Click here for the Spanish version (¡Consgrafelope S.a. está ahora disponible en el español! Tenga cuidado que la traducción quizás sea un poco áspero pero sea optimistamente suficiente cercano entenderlo.)Haga clic aquí para la versión española

Consgrafelope Inc. Autobiography Coming Soon!

The Entrepreneurs have been working on Consgrafelope Inc.'s autobiography, A Dried Food Dynasty: The Story of Consgrafelope Inc., with utmost determination in hopes to have it done soon. Consgrafelope's autobiography will include the following:

If you would like to reserve your copy of A Dried Food Dynasty:The Story of Consgrafelope Inc. today email us at or leave us a message in our guestbook. To read an excerpt of our autobiography click here.

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