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Liv's Blog Thingy
Sunday, 5 September 2004

if you havent noticed, i dont use this blog anymore, but you can go to My Xanga

Posted by band2/chs_flutes at 3:12 PM PDT
Updated: Friday, 10 September 2004 5:46 PM PDT
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Wednesday, 1 September 2004
School...yet again
Mood:  d'oh
so, my first day as a junior is finally over. it was pretty cool i guess...wait, no it wasnt. lets see how my day 1st period, assigned lockers, no biggy, 2nd period U.S. History AP. it was ok, at least she didnt scare us like mr c did sophomore year. then 3ed period i had chem with moberg, it sucks, i already have homework and a lab on friday, yippy ::sarcasm:: then 4th period i was supposed to see my counselor, so i waited in line forever, then they wouldnt let me leave because i didnt have a class yet, so that was gay, good news tho is that i talked with mr c and he said that i might be able to do french 3 independent studies, but if not, i can always T.A. for him during 4th, during french 2, yay, i'l see sahara, ok, then we had a pep rally at lunch, boy was that fun. then 5th i had espi for algebra 2 honors and i felt stupid since i forgot regular algebra, so yeah, then i had hernandez for english, and then after school me and erma helped jordan learn marching basics, and shes doing very well. so yeah, that was my first day, it was really hot too, i hate summer, but yeah...

oh yeah guys, i got a guestbook thingy, so sign it if you want or whatever, just added that for fun, later

Posted by band2/chs_flutes at 4:40 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 1 September 2004 5:05 PM PDT
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Tuesday, 31 August 2004

omg, tomorrow the first day of school. i dont wanna go back!!! i loved summer, only because of no school, all the time to do anything i wanted (except work), go on vacation, band, talk on the phone all day, band, talk to people on the internet all day, and band, and yeah, no school. so im depressed the first day of school is near, i also hate homework, so yeah. at least i get to see my friends, right? well, i have to stay after school all next week to help a freshman learn all of her sets, oh yeah, and how to march, so that will be fun...this summer was great, i dont want it to end! ::raises fist at school:: i hate you school, and mr.c better let me take independant studies, i NEED french 3 or il die

i adopted a scott fetus today, isnt it cute? :)

I adopted a cute lil' Scotty fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!

Posted by band2/chs_flutes at 8:29 PM PDT
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Monday, 30 August 2004
only 2 more days left!
Mood:  sad
im so sad, i dont want the summer to be over, i mean, maybe i want the hot weather to go away, but i just dont want to go back to school. anyway, our school looks really ghetto right now. it looks like a warzone cuz theres a ton of trenches everywhere. this morning i was so tired, because i was up all last night doing homework, and then i had to wake up at like 5 to go to whittier for that honor marching band thingy...and so now iv been doing homework alllllllll day...tiredness, and tonight im only going to rehearsal for 30 mins, later

Posted by band2/chs_flutes at 2:31 PM PDT
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Friday, 27 August 2004
Band Camp FINALLY Over - Woo Hoo!!!
Mood:  happy
i am so happy band camp is over, you have no idea. but yeah, it was cool today i got 2 trophies, both coincidentally (spelling?) from los altos competitions, '92 and '93...geez those things are old, but anyhoo, i am so tired. after band camp we had that stupud district honor "marching" band thing, i dont know, so i didnt get home till like 3 ish...and then i fell asleep and woke up at 5:10, when just then i remembered i had a flute lesson at 5:30, so i was like rushing to get ready, then like ten mins later Hope called and we had to im like super tired and i want to go back to sleep but i, i dont want school to start next week!!!

and tomorrows the flute pool party, go flutes! awesomeness man, itl be tight. iv been wanting to go swimming and stuff, so itl be refreshing and all gonna go lay down now...
Evil Stuff
Your minions are: cats in suits
You will conquer: Television
Your title will be: Sir
This much of the world will love you: - 68%
You will be a great ruler: TRUE
You will have this much money: $49,623.10
This QuickKwiz by Flippant - Taken 15017 Times.
New - COOL

Posted by band2/chs_flutes at 6:55 PM PDT
Updated: Friday, 27 August 2004 9:08 PM PDT
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Monday, 23 August 2004
band camp and stuff...
Mood:  not sure
today was the first day of band camp for everyone. it was pretty cool, Dave came down and we played Geeks and Dweebs...GO DWEEBS!!! dweeb is a funny looking word, anyhoo, oh yeah, i won the drill down, iv never won one before so it was pretty cool, now im burning rehearsal cd's for the really confused right now, i dont know, about many things, eh...

Posted by band2/chs_flutes at 1:38 PM PDT
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Sunday, 22 August 2004
Sunday Sunday Sunday
Mood:  lazy
hey, today is the last day of freedom before band camp, so im taking it easy...being extremely lazy...and doing absolutely nothing. i suppose i should use today for doing homework, but im not, i guess im leaving all that for next week and stuff, oh well, i cant wait for band camp...yet at the same time, i dont want it to come. i'm watching Along Came Polly, funny movie, not as funny as The Prince and Me...with the gay prince and transexual lover...oh the good ol times, swimming was fun at noelas yesterday, but boy was it cold, alrighty, better get going

Posted by band2/chs_flutes at 2:14 PM PDT
Updated: Sunday, 22 August 2004 2:15 PM PDT
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Saturday, 21 August 2004
Band Car Warsh
Mood:  special
today was the band car wash, lots of fun actually, but it was cold, especially after having buckets of cold water thrown all over you. anyhoo, i hope we got a lot of money, we need it. just got back from quiznos...did i spell that right, oh well, but yeah, today is dez's birthday, Happy B-Day Dez, so im going to noelas later on, fun-ness...well, later

Posted by band2/chs_flutes at 1:18 PM PDT
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Friday, 20 August 2004
1st week of band camp...DONE!
Mood:  party time!

soo...the first week of band camp is finally finished...even though i technically wasn't there the whole time because i was sick the first day, boy did that suck, anyway, I'm happy its over. i think its weird we have a new way of marching and all that, and a new horns up, but I'm sure I'll get used to it. now that thats over, its part time at Amanda's!

oh yeah, i also had a flute lesson today. it was pretty cool, haven't had one in a while and it felt good. i guess I'm doing better though, or at least thats what hope said. and she gave me this new book thing with all of these cool exercises, some are hard, but i know it will help me become a better player

and tomorrows the band car wash and more importantly, Dez's Birthday, see i didnt forget, lol. but yeah, we might go over to amanda's house later and stuff, hopefully, im so bored, alrighty then, laterz

Go Here: A very cool comic should be on that page...if not...too bad ;)

Posted by band2/chs_flutes at 12:58 PM PDT
Updated: Friday, 20 August 2004 1:07 PM PDT
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Wednesday, 11 August 2004
its been a while since iv written, geez, well, iv been really busy with work and homework...which still isnt getting done ::stupid olivia:: im working on it, it just isnt getting completely done, still need to start scarlet letter, hm, il get going on that soon. iv been practicing my flute a lot lately too, maybe i should practice my picc too, hm, theres a thought, oh, the weirdest thing, i was listening to one of my cd's, the classical-y ones, and i was just listening to all of the songs on one cd, and i could have sworn i heard the song before, and i was like, OMG, thats childrens march, i played that back in 8th grade, but its a cooler version of course, harder on the cd, and actually sounds cool and stuff, im sure my fellow ewms friends remember that song, lol. oh yeah, i need to get my letterman jacket, im going friday, just dont know what to get put on it, i need ideas! eh, well, i gotta go, my homework awaits ::yeah right:: no seriously, laters all

Posted by band2/chs_flutes at 7:23 PM PDT
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