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The Professional Wrestling Simulator Enthusiast (PWSE)
The Professional Wrestling Simulator Enthusiast offers reviews, downloads, links, news and authoring resources related to wrestling simulators.
We do cover PC, Mac, cards and dice simulators. We don't cover e-feds or commercial arcade or console games.

News and Updates
Simulator Reviews
Links and Resources
Sim Author's ToolKit
Picture Gallery
Frequently Asked Questions

Discussion Forums
Contact the PWSE

PWSE Network
PWSE Beta Test Central
PWSE Power Plant
PWSE Simulator Webring

(In cooperation with IGS)


Other Simulator Collections and Indexes
AGWF Download Center
BOMIS Wrestling Simulators Webring A *very* small ring...
cdWeb's Wrestling Simulators Guide Sim news and debuts
Davey Boy's Wrestling Games
Degeneration X
E-Zone Wrestling sim Downloads
FWLNet's Simulator Index
G-Net Wrestling Simulator Guide
iSim Wrestling sim news
King's Corner RingKing's Sim News/Bulletin Board
Lay the Smacketh Down
The Offspring Rock Sim Page yes, its a sim page on an Offspring site - go figure
PWSE's Beta Test Central submit your new sims HERE!
PWSE Wrestling Simulator Webring official PWSE ring
Ralph's Wrestling Resource (Simresource) dead
Red Star Gaming
Revolution Wrestling Sims
RT's Wrestling Sim Resource
SimCritics, The Unfinished and unupdated
Sim News Daily from the creator of iSim, Tony Serino
Sims Seek sim news and reviews
Simulator Homepages
SimUniverse RingKing & Brownddog, not updated
Slam Jam: Wrestling Games and Stuff FULL of DOWNLOADS!!!
Slam Jam: More Wrestling Games Ditto for this one
Squared Circle Wrestling new sim news and reviews
SWP Sims
TNM Other Simulators Mr. Copp's wonderful index
Wrestling Life: Gamesa few games/downloads
Wrestling Sims James Blackwell, Vote for your favorite sim here!
Wrestling Sims United a very good ezboard forum for ALL sim info
Wrestling Simulations your guide to all things simmy
Wrestling Simulator Network
Wresting Simulators For Free
WWF Central 2K a helpful clone of the PWSE's sim list
The WWF Edge
WWF Wrestlemania: The Legacy Wrestling sims index and some other stuff as well.

Official Wrestling Websites
Bobby "the Brain" Heenan for all us ham'n'eggers
Chris Adams personal site, plus: "buy your own ring for \\$3,000"
Chris Benoit's official homepage
Chris Jericho's official homepage
Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW)
Ric Flair.Com authoritative unofficial site
Ultimate Warrior truly bizarre
Union of Diamond Cutters Official Diamond Dallas Page Website
World Championship Wrestling (WCW)
Women of Wrestling (WOW) as seen on TV!
World Wrestling Federation (WWF)

Wrestling Humor
Brunching Shuttlecocks Random Wrestling Move Generator
Funny Wrestling Quotes
Funny Wrestling Signs 1 "This Is Tuesday" (On a WCW Sat Night Taping)???
Funny Wrestling Signs 2 "The Rock don't cook he orders take out"???
Funny Wrestling Signs 3 "I'm taping RAW!"
Funny Wrestling Signs 4 don't freak - its not all in German (Deutch)
Funny Wrestling Signs 5 "Boo - my sign is scary"???
Funny Wrestling Signs 6 OhMyGod when will I stop finding links to these?!!!
Funny Wrestling Signs 7 not yet apparently
Funny Wrestling Signs 8 the LAST link - I'm exhausted!
Jobber World Order (jWo) shrine to jobbers; funny Top 10 list
Scoopthis.Com funny, wrestling-related satire/news
Signs You're A Wrestleaholic 1 TOP 10 style
Signs You're A Wrestleaholic 2 HELP ME...!
Tony Schiavone Daily Log the greatest Schiavone site in the history of all sites
Yo' Moma 3:16 general funny wrestling stuff

Other Wrestling Links
3 Strand Wrestling A small sim sub-site devoted to sims.
Big Book of Wrestling Moves
Brief Wrestling History Faq
Champions of the Galaxy/GWF Filsinger Games, the hit card/dice game!
Dark Spiral's Lair e-fed helper
DDT Digest just about any info you need
Easy Wrestler e-fed helper
E-Wrestling Center e-fed overview, terms, explanations
E-Wrestler Pro e-fed helper
E-Wrestling Calc e-fed helper
EWU E-Fed Universe Great info on wrestler creation
Fastmatch Non-PC Wrestling Simulator Rules
GSWF Movelist
Han Solo's Move Glossary
Highspot's Lucha Libre FAQ great FAQ summarizing Lucha Libre
ICW TNM, other wrestling links
Inside the Squared Circle (IGN)
IUWF, The: Wrestling E-Fed Simulators
Lay The Smacketh Down: Wrestling Simulators
Professional Wrestling Online Musuem
pww Miscellaneous
Revolution - Database - Wrestling Maneuver Definitions
Smarks, the/Rantsylvania
Tabletop Sports: Wrestling's Finest Discussion
theOtherArena (tOA) online wrestling community
TNM Warehouse: Arena Listing Unofficial TNM site
White Trash Wrestling Association Abandoned but GREAT archives
Wild World of E-Wrestling GREAT e-wrestling site and links!
World Online Wrestling wrestling news and rumors
WrestleArena wrestling news
WrestleGames.Com video games
WrestleWars Magazine wanna subscribe to this UK-based magazine?
Wrestling Life.Com news, stats, humor, games and more
Wrestling Maneuvers want descriptions of LOTS of moves?
Wrestling Fans Against Censorship the page has been removed... ironic huh?
Wrestling Games Creations
WrestlingReference Online
Wrestling Simulator 1.0 Champ. Belt Gallery
Wrestling Vault Online: Data Center all kinds of info including humor
WWF Wrestling News

Miscellaneous Links
ADRIFT free interactive fiction authoring utility
Executor Mac emulator for PC
Basilisk II Mac emulator for PC
Virtual Mac Mac emulator for PC
VirtualPC PC emulator for Mac
HTML Goodies
I Need Hits .Com
Qbasic For All programming language downloads and tutorials
SiteOwner.Comfree website diagnosis, statistics and promotion
Website Garage.Comfree website diagnosis and statistics
SmileNet NES, SNES, Genesis, N64 emulation page
The Underdogs lots of retro/80's commercial games for free


Features: News | Simulators | Links | Sim Toolkit | Articles | Bios | Gallery | Mailbag | FAQ
Interact: Discussion Forums | Chat | Contact
PWSE Network: Beta Test Central | Webring | Power Plant