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Mr. Hollins World History 01

Chapter 5 Section 2: Warring City-States


For your homework, you will need to print out or write down and complete the following to be handed in.

Match the following vocab terms to their definitions:

a. Polis ___
b. Acropolis ___
c. Helot ___
d. Tyrant ___
e. Monarchy ___
f. Persian wars ___
g. Oligarchy ___
h. Democracy ___
i. Phalanx ___
j. Aristocracy ___

1. Powerful individual who gained power by appealing to the poor
2. Series of wars in the 5th century B.C., Greeks battled Persian empire
3. A government in which the power is in the hands of a few people, based on wealth
4. Military formation
5. A government in which the power is in the hands of a hereditary ruling class or nobility
6. A peasant bound to the land
7. A government in which the power is in the hands of a single person
8. A government controlled by the citizens
9. A fortified hilltop
10. The fundamental political unit of ancient Greece after about 750 B.C.

Fill in the blank with the appropriate term:

1. By __________, the fundamental political unit in Ancient Greece was a polis.

2. Only the rich could afford bronze spears, shields, breastplates and chariots durring the _________________.

3. __________ was located in the southern part of Greece known as the Peloponnesus.

4. Around 725 B.C., Sparta conquered neighboring ___________.

5. Sparta was governed by two groups, _____________ and ___________________________.

6. _________________ was an Athenian statesman who convinced Athenians to fight at sea.

7. Athens became the leader of 140 city-states called the _____________________.

8. A _____________ was the most important force of fighting in the ancient world.

9. Darius' successor was named _____________.

10. For Athenian women, life centered around __________ and the family.

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