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Band News

Blotto, a band of four friends from the Shropshire hills, have come a long way since their exciting arrival in early 2005. From pubs to prime time television, from grime to glamour, the boys of Blotto have shared an array of experiences in the short time they have been together and have learnt many important lessons along the way.

The band formed while still in school in order to help raise funds for the tsunami victims and generally just have a blast. However what started as a harmless hobby to get past the pains and strains of revision developed into much more than a mere past time, and much more than a break from revision.

Joe Wills (lead and vocals), Iain McGoldrick (rhythm guitar and backing vocals), Kit Bodenham (bass) and Tom Tracy (drums) all share dreams of playing inspirational and original music. With influences ranging from Zappa, Hendrix and John Mayall, to Kings of Leon, The Strokes and The libertines, Blotto wanted to create music that would combine their influences and styles in to a hot pot of bluesy, funk filled, raw, high tempo rock that people could get up and dance to.

Blotto first made their mark when they were picked from 300 Midlands bands as one of 6 finalists in the BBC's Midlands Today School of Rock competition. The track that got them there, self-titled 'blotto' would be filmed live in the Birmingham mailbox and shown on the BBC midlands today news. Although the band did not win they made some valuable new friends, and got noticed! (Even interest from a local record company)

Currently the band is recording their first album in what they call "the shed" which has been Blotto's breeding ground for new music since day one. The band is continuing to gather in pace, growing in confidence all the time and prides themselves on their ever improving live performances and song writing.

"Hang on" I hear you cry. "Who are these likely lads, who go under the title of Blotto?" Well you may not know of them just yet, but mark my words, by the time they’re done…you will know!

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