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2 Minute Setup is a band formed in Winnipeg, MB in 2002. The band consits of 5 members, Josh Jerao(15)(Lead Guitarist, vocals), Bien Marasigan(16)(Guitarist, Vocals), Mike Vieira(16)(Guitarist Vocals), Jason Gray(16)(Bass Guitar) and Mat Kolomaya(15)(Drummer). Josh, Mat and Jason all met at there old elemantry school Stanley knowles Elementry School. Bien and Mike met at there old elementry school as well Meadows West. Bien and Josh met at church as children and joined the church's band for a few years, Bien introduced Josh to Mike and started a small band growing up but then stoped playing together in a band. Mat met Bien in High School(Tec Voc High School)in grade 9 but didn't become friends till grade 10 and started up a new band with Mike. They played together till it got to a point where Mike was getting busy with work and school so they took a break. Mat introduced Jason to Bien and formed a 3 way band with them, Josh came to one of there practices and decided to join the group again as well. As they were practicing and practicing they got better and better then the band asked Michael to join the band again, Mike agreed so now they are all in 1 awsome band now known as 2 Minute Setup.

They were thinking about a name for the band they went through various of names Michael and buddy's, The next best thing, the 3 Jack's and the pornal Jackers. They didn't like any of them. One day Mike thought of a name called 2 Minute Setup it's unique and no will probrably have the name so they stuck to it.

These kids all grew up close to each other Meadows West and Stanley Knowles is not very far apart at all. These kids have a dream to make it to the big league's and get signed by a well known record label, there just following there dreams to become rock stars on stage.

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