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(Ringo’s pov) 9



That night I had helped Paul clean up , although he fought me on it.

I know he was upset that the whole thing got out of hand. I think what upset him more was how John cracked. He was scared and I would have been too seeing John’s face and the hold he had on him. We knew it wasn’t the real John, but every so often that side of him did come out. It came out a lot in Hamburg and our Ted days. A left over I think. I looked over his busted lip , black eye and red marks on his neck. The marks would be gone by tomorrow , luckily he still had his collar buttoned and tie on, I think that’s what saved him. We ended up going to sleep; he didn’t want to talk no matter how hard I tried. He’d wave me off saying it’s just the crack of the stress is all and tomorrow it will be better. I always knew our Paulie, looked at things as an optimist. I figured John was in just as bad shape and only hoped he passed out for George’s sake.



The next day I figured would be interesting. I woke early and met George for some brekkie. We both got up early wanting to see if things smoothed out. George was right Lennon had passed out in his clothes along with his shoes; George didn’t even bother to take them off and went to bed straight away.


 Only Paul and John were still sleeping, so we talked about it as everyone ate.


“Ya think they’ll be speaking today?” George asked me


“Maybe later after they calm down. Paul said it will be fine, but you know him. Isn’t the first knock out drag out fight those two have had.”


“Yeah in Hamburg I thought they would never speak again over that dolly bird. Geez, they were both snockered that night.” He laughed.


Just as George finished his sentence out came Paul. He had showered and had a suit on. I could see the top button was open and his tie hung loosely. His eye had gotten darker and his lip had swelled more. He didn’t listen to me to put ice on it, called me a right mother hen he did. He came out to the table and got some tea, toast and sat down as if nothing happened. George and me looked at each other.


“Feelin better there mate?” I asked.


Paul cleared his throat and then sipped his tea. You could tell it hurt.

“Yup much better ta.”  He said hoarsely and quietly started reading the paper.


We didn’t want to make a fuss so we all talked softly. Then we heard John cursing from the other room. We snickered at knowing that his head hurt like hell and he probably looked just as bad. Paul didn’t react at all but again that was Paul.

I decided to be the brave one and go check on ole Johnny boy.


I stood in the doorway and watched him throwing things around looking for something. He was bent over his case in his pants and tee shirt. He had shed his trousers , jacket , shirt and tie.

“Good morning Johnny.” I said enjoying his pain as I walked in to the room.


“Bleedin smart arse you are……Where are the headache pill?”


I saw that George had thoughtfully left them on the nightstand but with out his glasses or contacts he was as blind as a bat. I strolled over and picked them up. I walked over and swung the bottle from my fingertips. He snatched it and went into the loo but not before I heard him say.


“You’re a swine aint ya.” And the door closed.

Well that went great I thought strolling back out to the common room in time to see Eppy walk in with a puss on his face. He looked over at us then examined Paul’s face. Paul moved away like a defiant child not wanting to be touched.


“Well, where is he then?” Brian asked.


“In the loo cleaning up and taking some headache pills. His mood isn’t the greatest.” I volunteered.


“He’s always like that after a drunk and doing something he’s ashamed of ya know that one Ritch.” George nudged me with a smile.


Brian took a deep breath , then exhaled slowly. He turned to Mal.

“Would you please fetch John straight away I need to talk to you boys and I am not doing it twice.” He stepped over to the breakfast cart and poured himself some tea. We, meaning me and George, cause Paul he wasn’t in a talkative mood, shrugged at each other . We knew it had to be something about the days schedule , so we waited sipping our tea.


Mal came out with a surprisingly quiet John. I didn’t get a good look at him earlier but he too had a black eye, split lip and a few bruises.  He came over and poured himself some tea and then noticed Paul sitting with the paper. He studied him for a minute and I wondered what he was up to.


“You look like me twin.” John chuckled admiring his handy work.


Paul’s eyes rose over the paper and took in John for a minute.

“God I sure hope not, I wouldn’t want your ugly puss.”


I watched as they smiled at one another each wincing at the pain from their lips.

You had to love those two, at each other one minute then next, joking around.


“Nice choke hold there Johnny” Paul winked at him.


I swear I saw John blush with embarrassment.

“Um sorry bout that ……was off me head. We all right then?”


Paul nodded, “ Don’t want it happening again though . You cracked, whilst I did too. We both did and that’s the only reason your off the hook. Although I don’t want you around me neck .”  His brow rose as he watched John nodded in agreement. I doubted either one was in the mood to brood or fight anymore.


 Brian had decided , now that things were square , to announce what he had planned when he walked in. He got up and looked at John, much as a parent looks at a child who’s been bad.

“Well I have canceled everything that was planned today except the evening concert. Can’t have the two of you showing up like this. Tonight you’ll need make-up to cover all that.” He waved his hands around at their faces.


“Brian I think it looks rather distinguished.” George chuckled


“Yeah Brian at least they’ll be able to tell us apart.” I followed up George with a tension breaker.


“Yes , indeed they will. Tomorrow is a different story. I shall hope this doesn’t repeat it’s self again.” Brian pointedly looked from John to Paul.


“Why you looking at me for, he started it,” Paul smiled again wincing as he did.


“Well at least we get a day off now.” John howled.


I just shook my head. Is that what you had to do for a day off? Get into a punch up. I went over and sat down to turn on the telly.  I watched as George grabbed his guitar and looked at us all.


“Let’s play for fun not cuz we have too. Besides Eppy’s not gonna let any body in here with you two looking the way you do.” He sat down and tuned it.


I saw the others grab their guitars; I turned off the telly and took my sticks, using the table as a drum. We played for quite some time goofing around with old songs. John changing the words to some of the different songs and changing his voice sounding utterly ridiculous, of course we all died laughing. We were having a lark and it was nice for a change not to be pushed around or propped into positions for pictures or asked the same silly questions. All seemed to be forgotten when the singing began and I loved every minute of it; even if John and Paul had to suffer for us to get a few hours off.



Even with the make-up you couldn’t hide the split lips, no one noticed as we sang. We were smuggled out again after the concert in decoy limos and headed straight to the airport on to our next gig. We ended up back in New York and after all the reporters and such left us, Mal came up with a note from the front desk. I watch as we all did as he opened it and then began to read it.


“It’s from Bob Dylan.” He said surprised.


John had gotten his album and had us all listen to him. He was great and I think John was impressed to most by him.


“What’s it say Mal?” John asked eagerly.


Mal stood in front of us and started to read it.


“To the Beatles, Would love to meet you while you’re in our city. Could I come up tonight? Here is where I can be reached. “ He went on to give us the details and phone number.


We were excited and asked Brian to arrange it.

The great Bob Dylan was coming; we were thrilled, to say the least.  He said he’d be by in the hour and we just sat around waiting. He was late in arriving but we didn’t care, I mean this was Bob fuckin Dylan!!!!!


He came in, dressed in old jeans, worn shirt and an old leather jacket.

He looked us over as we did him. We had gotten used to stars and at this point after meeting so many of our heroes had calmed down to how we treated them. After all we saw how if felt to be treated like Gods and didn’t like it so we tried hard not to do the same to our heroes.


Dylan inspected us and we him for a few minutes. He asked for some wine, but Brian only stocked the good stuff and he won’t here of it , so off went Mal to get a few bottles of cheap wine that he liked.


He plopped down next to John who had his guitar in his hands.

I watched our Johnny speechless for a minute and then he relaxed slightly.

We all did, drinking our Scotch and cokes. Bob took the guitar and played a new song he had written and we all thought it brill.


“Is this what you wanted?” Mal handed him the bottles when he came back.


“Yeah, that’s cool.” He sat, put the guitar down and then proceeded in unscrewing the cap.


“You want a glass?” I heard Mal ask.


“Naw just need the bottle.” Bob didn’t even look up as the bottle hit his lips.


He wiped his mouth and reached into his pocket pulling out a plastic bag filled with this greenish brown weed in it.


“I brought this up to celebrate our meeting.” He smiled ruefully as he took out some rolling papers and started on making, I guess a cigarette.

We had seen the stuff before of course. A lot of the Jazz and Blue musicians did it but we had never. He lit it and we all looked at each other as Mal and Neil ran around plugging up the doorways with towels so as the aroma wouldn’t escape the room.


“Here “ He said handing it to John.


“A we never did this stuff before.” John admitted sheepishly.


Bob laughed. “Now wait a minute. You cats never smoked a joint before? What about your song…..I get high , I get high?” He looked at us.


Did it really sound like that’s what was said? We all looked confused mulling it over.

“No, that’s not what we say it’s ……I can have, those are the words.” John said thoughtfully. I think he was surprised it sounded that way too.


“Really? “ Bob looked hard at John as he pulled on the marijuana cigarette.

“Must be the Brit accent, I swore you guys said that. Oh well, this is great try it anyway. I can’t believe you never did it. It’s better then getting drunk.”


I again was the brave one. Hey I’d try it, I’d try anything that made you feel good.

I took it and copied Bob, taking it in, holding the fragrant smoke in me lungs and then coughing as I let it out. I guess seeing me do this gave the others the courage to try. John and then George next followed Paul and I swear I didn’t know what the bloody hell he was going on about because it did nothing for me. He had rolled more and I figured maybe I didn’t do enough or inhale enough or something.


Suddenly I felt it, smashing I thought as I couldn’t help but laugh me arse off and fell off the couch. Soon we were all laughing and feeling so good, talking and just plain having a laugh. I remember seeing Paul going around the room with Mal , who had a pen and pad coping down everything Paul said. It was a kick and the start of a new thing for us. Bob left early in the morning and we all crashed after eating something. Bob said that you always got hungry after smoking. Anyways we had a great visit and he promised to keep in touch.



The next day the guys looked better, wounds healing enough to be covered for the pictures and press conferences. Off we went again on our mission of fitting in as much as we could in 34 days. Really, it would be more but that’s all we had to do in America and Canada. Then we’d be off, back to England and more Hard days Nights. We did our usual concerts and came back to a party. We all agreed it was time to get shagged, it had been a day or two and we were suffering from lack of.


I found a brunette that reminded me a little of my Mo back in England. I had been courting her for a bit, but on tour a guy couldn’t be faithful, discreetly we would have our ways with the eager women we’d encounter.


The music blared as always and we danced wildly, sweating and just having a grand time.  I made my decision that this girl was a keeper for tonight. We danced to some slower music, becoming one, swaying our bodies together. We teased each other in a ritual, sexual dance. Bumping and grinding the excitement rose in me as well as in her. I noticed the others had either left with a bird or pulling the one they picked.


I started snogging her, hardly coming up for air. I push my ready self against her, letting her know that we’d soon be heading out to relieve the heightened sexual frustration I was feeling.


When I couldn’t take it any more I nibbled at her ear and whispered to her.

“I need you badly darlin, I have a place for us to get to know each other better.”


She nodded and we left quickly, hand in hand. The urgency I felt led me on as I unlocked a door and saw Paul with his girl in the middle of things and I doubt he really noticed me. I locked the door and laughed as I dragged my lovely down to another room. Unlocking it, I opened the door not wanting to repeat the same thing. It was empty, thank God , I thought, I just couldn’t stand it and locked the door.


I encircled my arms around her and pulled her close. Although all I wanted to do was jump her , I didn’t think that proper. After all she did remind me of me Mo and in the dark more then anything. I brought her to the bed and turned on the radio by it to some soft slow music, something that would help me with my pace. I laid her softly on the bed and imagined me Mo. I kissed her, lightly laying on top of her. I tried to keep as much weight off of her as possible, only making sure my hips met her letting her know my need for her. She moaned.


“Oh Ringo.”

I whispered in her ear.


“Call me Ritchie luv , make me feel like I’m home.”  I nibbled again at her ear.


“Ritchie” She breathed.


I continue my sweep down her neck, over her eyes and finally to her mouth.

I sat her up and slowly slipped her zipper down and helped her undress as she helped me, kissing and touching the whole time.

I stood up and took me trousers and pants off. Fully naked she could see my full desire. She stopped me at the edge of the bed and sat there running her hands over me entire body. I felt her sweet lips kissing me stomach working her way down to the part of my body that bobbed up towards her mouth. Eagerly, she licked me, swirling her tongue around the head and teasing, which at this point I didn’t need. I was there already and when I felt her warm mouth cover me with the wetness sliding up and down I thought I’d die and put my hands on her shoulders to hold my self up. Cor, I needed this and didn’t know how long I could stand her sucking, sliding and twisting of her tongue around me bits. I tried to stop her but she wouldn’t hear of it and continued as I felt the rapture approach. I shook as it took me over and held her tight so I wouldn’t fall. I felt it in every part of my body and noticed slightly in my haze that she didn’t mind my release in her mouth. After it was over I collapsed on to the bed , not able to stand as I watched her lick her lips and smile.  The moonlight hit her and showed her beautiful silhouette. She crawled over to me and caressed my face as I gently pulled her to me in a kiss that said thank you as much as how I still wanted her.  I touched her in every sensitive spot I could, bringing forth such moans that I knew soon I would please her the way she had me.


Her release was just as fast; holding me tight as her body shuddered against mine. I gave her butterfly kisses and stroked her body as she recovered and I again found myself hard. I was ready and climbed on top of her. I entered her and moved to the slow swaying of the music. We must have kept that up for quiet sometime and then she gently showed me she wanted to get on top. I’d let her I didn’t mind that she wasn’t shy. She moved on my like a cat, covering me in her warmth and licking me neck and chest as that cat would. Enticing me more I moved my hips with her. The level of urgency kept raising a notch with each thrust and soon I felt her pull me in to her climax, pulling me into my own. We covered our lips as cries escaped them. She lay on top, me still inside her as I held her warm, sweaty and beautiful body.


I took in a deep breath calming down. She slid off of me and curled in my arms. We must have fallen asleep, because I remember jumping as Neil knocked on the door.


“It’s time you two. I’ll be back in a few minutes to collect you Miss. I am going to get the others going,”   I heard him leave the door.


I caressed her face and kissed her.

“Thank you luv, you were wonderful. Made me miss home a little less.”


She smiled, kissed me and then got dressed, leaving before Neil came back for her.  Man, I thought that was special. You had your shags and they were all different. We put them into categories, you had you quickies and your fans and they were hard at times to get rid of. You also had the ones who only wanted one thing from you; the same thing you wanted from them. Then you had the special ones.  Like the special one I just had, that made you miss home a little less. I thought about that, as I feel asleep.