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       (John’s pov)



We stepped out into the mania, which was the name the press gave it.

That bizarre reaction we got from the fans. We never understood it, all the fuss that they made, the press and everyone else jumped on it. Anything to sell a bloody newspaper was the way I figured it. That was the closest thing to understanding that I could conceive. We’d have to sneak or disguise ourselves to go anywhere with out a surge of fans coming down on us. The fans were so obsessed that if we didn’t they’d rip us apart, not meaning to but just to touch us. It was as if we were the Gods from up high that descended down from the heavens. They even thought we could heal the cripples of the world. I thought it all rubbish the way they acted. I had to admit at first it was fun. Four Liverpool lads who had never had much in their lives, who people would have never given a second look at and now they only wanted to be near us. They wanted to give us the world. What reason could they have? Was it because our songs were so great, because we had long hair or because they never saw the likes of us before?


I felt like somehow we had sold out; somewhere between putting on the suits and our choirboy image. I of course had to rebel by unbuttoning the top button of my shirt or loosening my tie and Eppy hated it. The only reason we did it was the thought that it would sell our records, then so be it we figured and now we were stuck with that image. Making witty remarks is what they expected from me. We were all labeled, I was the witty one, Paul the cute one , George the quiet one and Ringo the loveable clown. They didn’t get any of us right. I was the witty one because of my sarcastic remarks. The more I said the more they thought it funny and cute. I never meant it as being cute. I went at the press the same way they went at us. I guess they just never had any musician do that before. They just didn’t get it; it became a private joke between us. They loved it and wanted more!


So we all snuck down the employee’s lift, through the kitchen, hoping no one would recognize us. Sometimes we were lucky and sometimes we weren’t sending us running to where we were suppose to be, hoping that they didn’t reach us or tear anything off. It happened, the fans would at times get lucky enough to tear part of a shirt, pull our hair and even grab our jackets. I can’t remember right now who it was but he had to wiggle out of the jacket letting the one lucky fan have it so the ones coming from behind wouldn’t trample him


We were pushed into the waiting limo, crammed together. We watched the decoy take off and a few minutes later we left. Some of the fans were on to us and waited, surrounding the car. The driver did his best to get us out as we heard the bang on the car and the loud ear piercing screams. We really thought one day they’d bang their way through the roof!


“Shove over……gotta a fag? “ I said irritably to Ringo.


I took the fag and lit it. Blowing the smoke out I leaned back to try and relax while the furry of screams surrounded the car.


“We’re going to have to find a better way out Eppy.”

I heard Paul say as I closed my eyes , enjoying my smoke. He was always up Brian’s arse about the group. Not that we didn’t put in what we thought but Paul seemed to like being the spokes person, the PR man as we teased him.


“I’m already on that Paul. You and the lads will be in a truck tonight in order to get into the concert hall.”


I heard them all sigh as Brian finished telling us. I jumped as my shin was kicked.

“Bloody Hell!” My eyes flew open to see George looking at me sheepishly.


“Sorry bout that.”

I just shook my head and returned to my relaxed position.

I tuned them all out at that point. I needed to rest, my head still hurt from the hang over and I knew once we got out there’d be no resting.


The same ear piercing screams welcomed us to the airport, that’s how I knew we were there. I sat up ready for all the fanfare. We were shoved for the millionth time , by security in to a small private room along with our entourage. There we were put on display. Flash bulbs blinded us, reporters pulled at us to get something, anything that they could write.  I really wanted to thump them, pulling on me the way they did as if they owned me. They came to get us just in time so as we could board the plane. Thankfully we had first class on this one. People would try to get up to us but usually didn’t. Oh the first class people would talk to us but most were too posh to go all sorts of potty on us and for that I was glad.

We had the usual photographers and journalists with us but by now they knew us well enough to give us some space at times. One guys name was George Harrison, we all thought that a lark , especially our George. We’d have to refer to him as George Harrison the reporter.


I settled in to my window seat after a bit of talk with the reporters. I stared out at the clouds daydreaming. My head was feeling better after Nell, that’s what I called him, gave me some headache pills, along with another prellie. We ate them through out the day to keep up this mad pace. The coolness of the window felt good against it. I heard the lads around me and then I heard a female voice try to get my attention, well I wasn’t one to ignore the female species.


“Excuse me”

I heard that soft quiet voice say, I turned my head to see a young beauty and with blond hair to boot, I’m a sucker for blonds.


“Yes” I smiled up at her.


“Oh, I wasn’t sure if you were asleep or not. I don’t want to bother you, but could I possibly take a picture?”


She was unsure of my answer as she asked cautiously.


“By all means. Do you want a pose or just a picture then?”

I watched as she fumbled with her camera, not sure what to say.

“It’s all right luv. I promise I don’t bite and if I do I’ve had me shots.” I made a face making her laugh and relax a bit.


“Oh I guess you’re used to this stuff……I mean pictures and posing for the camera. I really just wanted a picture with you. I know you hear this all the time but you’re my favorite.” She blushed still standing over me, not sure if she should sit.


“Yes, this sort of thing happens all the time. Please sit; your back will stay that way if you keep bending over to look at me. “ Yes, this sort of thing did happen all the time. She was very sexy though and her company appealed to me, so I teased her hoping she’d sit right close to me. I put out my ciggie and patted the seat next to me.

Her back straightened up immediately the moment I mentioned it. She pulled at her skirt before she sat down. I could almost feel her shaking, sitting next to her idol. I had to laugh when ever this happen, cause I never fancied myself as an idol.


“Now tis better right? Sitting I mean.”

She giggled and it blew my whole picture of her. I hated when they giggled like that. She was a pretty thing anyroad so I pushed it aside. I turned my body around and sat up on my knee searching for one of the lads. Ringo was over at the bar engrossed in a conversation with a few people. Paul was doing his PR work with a few of the press. George was engaged with a few fans. I spotted Neil coming towards me to his seat.


“Nell!!!!” I yelled over to him.


He had a ciggie hanging from his mouth and had almost successfully made it to his seat. I spoiled it, which brought a sardonic smile to my face as he turned toward me and saw it.


“What John? I was about to sit and relax. You know I haven’t since we left the hotel.” He said with some annoyance to his voice.


“Sorry mate but would you be so kind as to snap us here a picture?”


I made a face and batted my eyelashes, which got a giggle from the girl and a laugh from Neil. He carefully took the camera from the girl. I pulled her close giving her a thrill I’m sure. The flash lit up twice before I let go and Neil gave the camera back. It’s funny I should be used to the flashes by now and usually I am, but sometimes they still blinded me. She smiled a big smile that set her face aglow, still sitting so close to me the scent of her perfume and hairspray hit my olfactory senses arousing me.  The sparkle in her eyes said it all. I knew she was old enough anyways so why not?


“Like to go somewhere more private luv?” I leaned in even closer to her, if that were at all possible.




I chuckled at the thought of the small loo on the plane, how tight and cozy it was. It wasn’t the first time for me or for the others, we all were part of the mile high club as they called it here in the states.  The rules amongst us were that we had to be very discrete so as no one would notice. We’d all helped one another with these things.  I had to get a diversion up and I was sure I had the perfect one.


“Come pet.” We rose from the seats. I got Paul’s attention and then turned my eyes down to the pretty blond at my side. He knew immediately what I needed.

He made a rather loud comment and grabbed Ritch in a hold that made the photographers and press clamorer around to become a part of the show. We snuck by unnoticed by anyone except our immediate party. We quickly squeezed into the small room and the sign soon read occupied. 




“Shhh, now we must be very quiet as not to draw attention.”

I whispered in her ear. She nodded and was quickly drawn in for an urgent kiss. We didn’t have much time so this had to be fast. I scooted her up on the small sink, bringing up her skirt in the process. We fawned over each other until it became apparent to me that it was time to squelch the screams inside. I pulled my zipper down and pulled her panties aside. I went inside of her whilst covering her mouth with mine. I had learnt in the past that it was always quieter this way and a lot more pleasant.  I started in right away, pulling her up against my hips, I don’t know if it was very comfortable for her but at this point that was the farthest thing from my mind. I took her hard and fast, my mouth covering hers when ever she started getting to loud. My hips pushed more urgently as I got closer to my release.  I leaned my head back hitting the wall of the small room as my body slammed into soaring madness. I panted, slowly recovering and then cleaned up. I helped her down and gave her a kiss. She started fixing herself up.


“Luv I’ve got to get out of here first and then you wait a few secs before you leave.” She nodded again to me. She didn’t really say much did she? Didn’t matter much, she got what she wanted and I got what I wanted so everything was fine.  I unlocked the door, peered out to see the coast was clear. I gave her a quick peck. “Ta luv.”  I existed the room and headed to the bar, to the lads, to a drink and the others, satisfied and happy.



I sauntered up to them, grabbed a drink and lit an after sex ciggie. Those were the best ones besides after eating. The lads came up to me, excused themselves; Paul on one side and Ringo on the other. They both took hold of my arms; followed by George, they guided me to a quiet corner.


“Well?” Paul’s brow rose in expectation of my tale.  He really is a sex fiend; I could almost see him drooling. George and Ringo were in second place on that one as they tried to hurry me along with my story.


“What? “ I acted innocence, knowing exactly what they wanted to know.


“Come ead Johnny do tell, after all I was in this ones grasp as your alibi.”

I saw Ritch give Paul a smirk. I guess I missed something but what I was doing interested me far more. George’s attention was glued to me as well and I had a full audience.


“y know I don’t shag and tell mates.” That was pure bullocks and they all knew it. Truth be told , we always shared our sexual conquests, sometimes in great detail.


“Tell us you prat. Can’t you see Paulie’s on withdrawal and dead jealous he is as are we all.”  I smiled when George said this and knew it was true. Paul didn’t particularly care for his remark. I could see it was true just by his face.


“Ok “ I laughed. George craned his neck to get his ear closer, Ringo and Paul just stood waiting.



I started telling them what happened. It was a fast shag so there wasn’t much of it to tell, so I decided to exaggerate to make it more interesting.

“She couldn’t take all of me…..I mean it….I was just to big fer her. I had to cover her mouth. I swear I don’t know who came more her or me. Afterwards she worshipped me more then she did before I showed her the John Lennon experience.” I was smacked on the head by George, punched in the shoulder by Ritch and pushed by Paul at my exaggeration.


“Bunk off there Lenni, yer so full of shite.” I laughed wildly at George when he said this to me and at the others reaction. Yeah, this part of the tour was fun. Just the four of us having a laugh , until people started crowding around again. They had heard our laughter. Again, they wanted, what they called, some of that Beatle magic.



Soon we were told to get in our seats and buckle up for landing. I passed Brain who pulled at my arm getting my attention.


“Lennon we’ll have none of that anymore. Do you realize what would happen if the press saw that or if that girl gave them an exclusive?”

Poor Eppy he looked so bleedin serious. I shrugged my shoulders innocently.


“Have none of what Eppy?” I could see his face turning red and the blood vessel in his neck throb. I loved when he got like that. Ya had to; it was too fuckin funny.


“You know exactly what I am speaking of John.” He said to me quietly, his patience wearing thin.


“I’m afraid not Eppy. What do you ever mean?” Again I feigned boyish innocence.


“John” He said gritting his teeth.


“Yes, Brian.” I smiled sweetly at him. God, I loved pulling him; part of a game I always played.


“OH, go sit down and behave.”  I could clearly hear the exasperation in his voice and knew I had gotten him. Check Mate…….I gave him a kissy face, then waltzed down the aisle whistling and smiling triumphantly to my seat.


We all looked down at the airport to see the place filled with what we now knew were our fans.  Banners waving and the screams getting louder the closer we came taxiing down the runway. It was just more of the day to get pushed, grabbed, pulled and yelled at. The four of us looked and smiled knowingly at one another. I think we were Beatles almost every waking hour. Most people worked nine to five. Not us, we worked hour to hour , day to day, rarely getting time off. We were the Beatles and we were in big demand.