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By Sue

Chapter one

(Paul’s pov)


‘The tour had been grueling; one show after another, one car to another and at times one train or plane to another. The fatigue was showing on all of us and at times we’d snap at each other. Oh, we didn’t always mean it; the stress would just make us go off. Smile for this picture, sign that autograph, oh and be your witty and charming selves for the interview Eppy would tell us. It always amazed me how much we could take. Imprisoned by the fame we had so much sought after for all those years. A jail we didn’t understand, locked away with our entourage, we watched as the world spun crazily.


Yes, we had wished for fame and yes we had wished for all the things that came with it. Yet , we never expected this. Be careful for what you wish for they say for it may not be what you think. It sure wasn’t.


Some of it was great fun. Meeting people we had always dreamt of, people listening to the songs we had slaved over and being able to have the money to take care of our families and do with what we wanted. The price was getting higher and higher with every new day. Yet, we met the challenge. Turn back? Never, how could we? For nothing would ever be quite the same again.



I thought about all of this as I looked out my hotel window in this great city they called New York. The girls huddled together in their heavy coats Standing in droves below me, singing our songs back up to us. Waving their carefully painted signs, hoping we would read them; afraid too leave for they might miss a glimpse of their hero’s.


 I sat down on the chair lighting a cigarette and continued to think about this. Fans; a shorter version of the word Fanatic, an ardent devotee, is what the dictionary said.  It was something we all thought about at times, together and alone. We were hardly ever alone these days, mostly alone met being with the other three. Right now I didn’t know how I had gotten lucky enough to slip away, by myself to even ponder this.


So we pressed on. Always pushing the barrier with everything we did. I felt a chill run up my spine as if someone had opened a window. I shifted in my chair trying to warm myself as I realized it was just a reaction to my thoughts. 


They all thought I was the one who didn’t need to think, that I knew where I wanted to go and how I was going to do it. True, I was comfortable with parts of this fame and I did know what I wanted. All the discomforts made me enjoy the comforts even more. 


I snubbed the glowing light from my cigarette until it was gone and blew the remaining bit of smoke into the swirl it had left. I turned to see Ritch come into the room. We doubled in our suites, John and George, Rings and me. I had been sharing a room a lot with him. I guess it was because he was the newest member that we kept sharing a room steadily. I didn’t mind though cause Ritch had a heart of gold and was good for a laugh. He was so bleedin funny and that’s what we needed to get through this; our sense of humor. The press loved it and we needed it.


Ritch came walking towards me, a grin tugging at his mouth.

“Mal rounded up some talent for the party tonight, real lookers Neil says.”


“Did He?”

For the first time since I hid in my room a smile crossed my face. Now, this was the perk of fame that I liked. The girls, all ripe for the picking and you could have anyone you wanted. It was like going to your favorite sweets store, with so many different varieties to choose from and being allowed to have a taste of everyone!!


‘”Some ardent devotees to chose from.” I didn’t realize I had even said the thought out loud, until Ringo commented on it.


“Devotees? You starting a harem?” He snickered going into his case for something.


“Oh, well we’ve done that haven’t we? “ I replied meekly. I guess I was slightly embarrassed at thinking out loud, he didn’t notice. He was to busy pulling out his kit, getting ready to fix up for the party. He laughed at the truth of it.


“I think chatting up a few is in order. First, we best freshen up.”

Before Ritch was done with his sentence I was up heading to the loo. He must have realized what I was doing because he started running to get there first. I laughed as I reach it before him, I was closer to it, and slamming the door I held fast to the knob not allowing him in. I heard the mixture of laughter and yelling through the pounding of his fists against the wooden door.


“Hey come on now” He called to me.


I laughed so hard I could no longer hold it closed. Ritch opened it and for a brief second we stared quietly at on another, before bursting out in hysterics once again.  We slowly stopped, catching our breaths. I imagined his sides were aching the same as mine. I searched those twinkling blue eyes of his, finding the comfort in them. I could be myself with Ritch, have a laugh that always deflated the tensions of the day.


We shared the mirror, both getting ready for the evening that waited ahead of us. We wanted to look our best even though these days you didn’t have to pull a girl they just fell all over you. They’d compete to see who would be picked for the festivities that came later on in the night.


We stood there giving each other the once over. I took my hand bringing up to his tie. With a signal tug I was able to pull the tie off from around his neck. He looked at me surprised as I smiled down at him, swinging it from my hand.

“How’d ya do that and why?” He still looked bemused.


“I fancy it off. Makes you look sexier.” I winked at him.


He chuckled at me. “Cheeky, You better save those moves for later.”


I cocked my head as I thought for a minute about later. The itch was there and I knew plenty of those beauties would be willing to scratch it. I pulled my tie off as well.


“To hot with these and our jackets on. They’ll only come off whilst we dance anyways. “

I watched as they swung from my hand and I didn’t know if I should put them away or just fling them on the towel rack. I opted for the latter, to lazy and to anxious; all I could think about was to end my cravings for sweets.


We nodded a nod of approval at our inspection and then headed out the door. This was one of the better parts of fame. All the lads thought so. A party: some drink, music, birds, dancing and all ending with a good shag, nothing better to relieve the stress of fame. Well we were about to enjoy just that.