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Communism and Capitalism


"Evil Triumphs when Good Men do nothing"

Welcome to my homepage. This homepage is a posting for those who believe that without God and the sense of moralty that comes with it, humanity will decline to anarchy.

Karl Marx-Did not believe in God. Thought that the proletariat would rise up against the enormous might of the Industrialists(or Capitalists). Was a socialist who believed the end result would be a communistic society that was anarchistic and that there would not be a central Government. Believed that it would be reasonably peaceful, and not that many would die from the Revolution, and that everyone would then be equal. Karl Marx was german born and moved to England because no one in Germany would accept his ideas.

Vladimir Lenin-Did not believe in God. Believed that communism must come about by a violent bloody revolution and that in the revolution everything would be purged then. This idea contradicts Marxism because Marx believed that when it came into power, the industrialists would be removed to strengthen the communist society. Lenin believed that capitalism would be purged during the revolution. Ended up eating his theories by going EUROPEAN SOCIAL DEMOCRACY instead of a hard-line socialist economy.

Joseph Stalin-Paranoid. Believed that capitalism was evil, like most socialists and communists, and that capitalism was the worst thing. Killed off over millions of people because they might have converted over to the German side and would then fight against mother Russia because of his bloody and tyrannistic rule, which suggests to most people that the Soviet Government was corrupt already and that the Communist state was no longer effective. Even more so, He had to have realized what he was doing was not good for the country, and he was more so acting like an emperor.

Nikita Kruschev-He knowingly placed Nuclear Missiles on the island of Cuba. He was egotistical because he believed that since he won the space race that the Soviet Union would make it there first. In a meat factory plant in Iowa, he said "We have beaten you to the moon, but you have beaten us in sausage making"

Leonid Brezhnev-His time in office is noted as a period of stability and stagnation in the domestic and foreign affairs of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. He was born in the Ukraine in 1906. Under his rule, the Soviet Economy was unable to match the Economy of the West. Worst of all, none of the Grey-Hairs recognized the need for reform, and the economy continued to stagger. He invaded and lost in a war to capture Afghanistan. Crushed the Prague Spring, "Socialism in a human face" uprising. His invasion of Afghanistan helped ensure that the treaty would not be signed and recognized by the United States Senate. Brezhnev had poor health conditions and relegated many of his powers to his close colleagues. Immobility of Soviet leadership under Brezhnev left horrible problems for the Union.

Yuri Andropov-Served as Ambassador to Hungary from 1954-1957. Played major role in the Hungarian Rebellion. Helped direct the ideological campaign against the Chinese Communists. Andropov was a hardliner, and yet gave way to the more younger more reformed leaders. Led to younger leaders like Gorbachev.

Konstantin Chernenko

The Microsoft Network
