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Temporary New Release Page

Releases from August 10th to August 16th

As you would have read on the main site, we have had a bit ov trouble updating our webpage due to the service we use requiring the latest browser which the old computer available this week simply cannot run. So our temporary solution is this page. You can buy from this page just like it was the normal Satanica Website & rest assured we will receive the orders in the usual way.

These releases will be transfered to the offical site next week. (aug 17th onwards..)

Blade of Death - "Depression, Desolation, Despair..."
EP - August 10th

Bode Preto - "Dark Night" EP - August 11th

Album $20NZD
Matadero - "Somos Matadero" Album - August 12th

Sinister Pride - *self titled* MCD - August 13th

True- "Welcome to Chaos" EP - August 14th

Vulture of Corpse -"Dance of Shadows" EP - August 15th

Album $20NZD
Hexenwald - "Nordland Okkult Mystherium"
Album - August 16th

Click HERE to return to main site

Note: Prices do not include S&H but this is currently only $0.01NZD!!
$1NZD equals around $0.67USD at present. You can pay in any currency you like using PayPal.