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So glad you could stop by and visit us, but we are under a little bit of rennovation as Queen Giggles gathers some great information on the Beatles. ^_^ Come back soon, though!

This is our wonderful guild. The buttons on the left will help you navigate the site. They all work, so click away!

New! Can you believe this? The whole songs section of this site has been removed due to legal violation. If you click on the button, you'll get the Angelfire message. Humph. If I'm ever able to reload all the songs and stuff, I'll put them on a new server.

All material herein was compilated by the great and wonderous queen_giggles. She spent countless time listening to Beatles songs and collecting Beatles pictures (if you can call that work) to make this website. She also struggled for countless hours with angelfire html; a battle which, needless to say, remains a draw. Anyway, don't be stealing anything from this here site! Actually, you can use the song lyrics, because they are © Northern Songs or Apple Corps Ltd. And the pictures, because I just got them from random sites.