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Online Since: 2004
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Have you met one of The Beatles? Wrote a story or poem about them. Saw either the band, or them sole live and would like to share your experince about the them send it here


"The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated."
Paul McCartney


Welcome to Rocking with The Beatles. I will hope to have it updated with the latest news about Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr, with upcoming CD's or tour dates. So come back to check it all out.  


Jan. 30, 2005:  I Updated the site, and changed the layout.



Jan. 29, 2005:  Ringo Starr, drummer for the Beatles, says he's teaming with comic book creator Stan Lee for his own version of an animated superhero. more...

2004-2005 Rocking with The Beatles