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To All Band Members:

    Well, guys.... we did it.  We finally finished the 2002 marching season for the Bessemer City Yellow Jacket Marching Band.  Think back to July on your first day of band camp.  It seemed like it would be forever until we reached this point.  For the freshmen in July, it was the beginning of something that would last for them hopefully for the next 4 years.  For the seniors, it was the beginning of the end of the high school band experience.

    I think that we had a really great year.  I know a lot of people were disappointed with some of our scores, but I think that everyone did a great job.  I know that a lot of people worked really hard to make this year really special.  First of all, I want to thank all of the section leaders.  You guys are great and I appreciate you being there to help out Mr. Gilchrist and myself.  Second, everyone that was there for every practice, game, and competition.  You are some of the people who take this seriously and we appreciate your enthusiasm.  Also, everyone that wanted desperately to be there but couldn't due to other arrangements, I thank you for your constant effort.  Band parents, where we would be without them?  Aside from feeding us lunch on competition days and setting up props and drums, they have really made an effort to get our Band Booster Club up and running so that we can have the types of shows that we want.  Also, I think all of us owe a very special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Gilchrist and Mrs. Wallace.  These are the people who have spent more hours working on this show than any of us.  Mr. G did a great job writing percussion and drill.  Mrs. G and Mrs. Wallace did a a wonderful job working with the colorguard.  Without these people, none of what we did would have been possible.

    As for all of you, I just want to say that it has been a extremely great pleasure to have worked with such talented people.  I really appreciate everyone who supported me and helped us get to were we are today.  You guys made my first year as Drum Major really special.  Even with small problems here and there, I would not have traded the past 6 months and countless hours for anything in the world.  Seniors: I have enjoyed working with you and I wish you the best in the future.  Please remember us as you go out to begin your new lives away from high school.  Freshmen: I hope that you have enjoyed your first year in band and hope to see all of you again at band camp next July.  I look forward to working with you for the next few years.  As for you Sophomores and Juniors: We still have a little while to go and I'm glad that you guys are there for the ride. 

    For those of you that want to be Section Leaders in the future, that's good.  You should always aspire to be better and do your best.  But remember this, Section Leader is not a just a title.  There are responsibilities that come with this job.  You are expected to be a cut above the rest, musically as far as responsibly.  In the future, more things are probably going to be found for section leaders to do, so be prepared for the task.  And then for those of you who hope to earn the title of Drum Major one day.  This is is something that only a couple of people are able to do every few years.  Much like the Section Leader, the Drum Major has many responsibilities that they are expected to do.  Your job starts in the spring and continues on into the fall.  This is something that you may not be liked as, but you will be respected.  It is a sometimes thankless job, and at times you must be in love with it to be as enthusiastic as you need to be.  Sounds great doesn't it.  With all that said, let me say that I love it more than anything and wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. For those of you who hope to do this let me say one thing, to be a leader you must first be a follower. 

    I've had a great year and I look forward to next year and hope to see all of you again.  Thanks again for a really great year!

                                                                                                        2002 - 2002 Drum Major

                                                                                                                 Wess Pasour


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