Ok, heres the deal. Most of the people in BNI got really mad at me just because I quit the band. And they assume that I quit for different reasons. So I decided to just list the reason why I left the band plain and simple:

1) BNI has a rly rly rly bad singer with a high, obnoxious voice. not only that, hes a jackass.
2) The guitar parts were too simple, just a bunch of power chords. I want to improve a lot so my new band will have really complicated, good songs. Not just power chords up and down the top string.
3) Other people in the band missed plenty of practices, but the one time I missed a practice the rest of the band got rly upset and left multiple messages on my voicemail yelling.
4) ska isnt rly my kind of music anyway, i jsut joined to get band experience. Now im underway with a rock band.
5) BNI would goof off way too much at practices, and then book shows even though they weren't playing that good, and plenty of people agree they don't play well at shows. Especially when John forgot his parts a week before the show, and was jsut messing around palying wrong notes on purpose at practice rather than trying to correct his mistakes, and relearn or remember the parts.

Well thats basically it in a Nutshell. Since I was the only one in the band who knew how to run a website I was going to leave up the message baord and stuff, but since the people in the band have been assholes since I left, especially Greg and John's girlfriend, I decided that if they aren't going to be pleasant about me leaving the band, then why should I? Oh well.

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