Past Updates

9/04/07 1934hrs
Well shit, it has been one long ass time, hasn't it? I could go into lengthy, self-justifying excuses involving the unforseen death of my laptop, and not being able to function properly, or even check emails- due, naturally, to the fact that I carry all my info on said laptop, without backing up *swats self* (shame on me! you should all listen to the wise hack.5 boys and back up your crap) for months upon months, untill I finally got off my lazy ass, took out my hardrive (which was perfectly fine. appearantly the presario 2500 dinasour has a bent toward faulty power connections), slapped it into a venus DS2, (this all taking place about 5 min ago lol, at work no less *slaps self for innapropriet use of company time*), and here we are luvs :D

Course I'm having a bit of a time trying to get into my limewire folder *growls and mumbles about hours of download time and loads of pirated porn, now rendered inaccessible* Stupid limewire. I'll never stray from torrents again.

Still lookin' f'r suggestions/etc on slashy band couples. I know, I'm pretty far behind the times. I imagine peeps are itchin for ... what? Gerard Way? Pete Wentz (or however the feck ye spell that)? that 30-whatever-mars dude? er... *is totally out of the pop culture loop*


When Davey Havok met Trent Reznor for the first time, by accidently running into him at a Vegas hotel, it was all he could do to keep from jumping the man like a crazed adolesent fanboy. That little tidbit of truth, (regardless of being completely unrelated and totally platonic, unlike what follows) is what "inspired" today’s updates. We have a new Davey/T-rez fanfic by moi (so be nice, I’m fragile), a freshly destroyed image of Mr. Manson/Trent, and of course, my absolute unsurpassable favorite, the Trent Reznor shorts gallery!!!

Also! I need your help! I’m rather T-Rez minded, so tell me if you have any suggestions for singers/bands. Who do you wanna see up here? But - no boybands. Google it. There’s already 15 billion pages strong if you wanna do that shit.

Hello! Finally getting around to updating. I'm organizing some new stuff that will hopefully be posted within the next few days. We will be adding a Reznor short-short gallery (hopefully I won't be the only one drooling over it), a few image manips and maybe a fanfic or two. I'm pretty self concious about my fanfics. Cuz they suck. See you again in a bit :D
!!!!! :O
1/27/05 hello loverlies. Good news! I dropped out of the art institute. So now I'll have way more time to attend to the important things in life. Like this web page, playing my guitar, sleeping, and bitching about my job. So there's more stuff on the way! :D

And thank you everyone for signing the guestbook! Makes me all squishy inside :)

7/23/04 thank you, singular kind person who decided to sign the guest book. I love you. A new fanfic has been added. More image manipulations are on the way.
6/25/04 1,078 fucking people and no one has the decency to sign the damn guest book??? WTF!!!
6/22/04 Taking summer quarter off, hopefully will be able to give this page some well needed attention.
2/14/04 Slightly new look, still haven't been able to give full attention. there's never enough time in the day... I think I'll tone down the title banner a bit... hmmm... feel free to email me and tell me what you want! Right now I'm just pulling it out of my ass.
unknown date Hey, I was on a popular art posting site the other day, and realized there really aren't many places to post band fics, band art, or see other peoples stuff. So here we are. Sorry for the crappy layout, but it will have to do untill I get real time to do some actual programming. I haven't slept in a few days, and I'm TIRED. So tired that I'm doing something that would usually make me sick. I'm using Angelfire's Basic Editor. :: shudders ::

I only have a few pics posted, both are image manipulations by me. So email your stuff! And if you want, a little bio thing for people to read. Really, it will be fun. Fun, fun, fun.