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My Home Page

Feel free to save any of the pictures on any of my web pages to your hard drive! I swiped them from other sites(perfectly legally, btw!), the most i can do is to pass them on to other fans of whatever they are, be it FFX or Magic:TCG.

Good Pages

Very good jokes
More funny jokes, has some of the same as the one above, but still good
Here they have some very good FFX images and other stuff
This is a well done page...really funny too
This is a game i got from the angelfire choices, "Yar's Revenge"(Shockwave is required)

BTW, the BG Music is the boss theme from FFX. If you'd like a copy of it, right click the link and choose save target as.Click here

My Favorite Things or People

  1. Band
  2. Computers
  3. FFX image editing
  4. Music
  5. Magic: TCG and other TCG's

You may have noticed the list above...#3, FFX image editing, is one of my favorites. I have some ok images...i enjoy doing it, i didn't say i was any good at it. :-D well, i'll put up some images and see what u think. U might have noticed that this is the same image i have farther up on the page...i think what i did to it looks very cool, it almost makes Yuna look like some kinda angel or something. That's just one example...i'll prolly just make a page devoted to just my ffx image editing.

Of course, then there is my favorite Trading Card Game...Magic: The Gathering. I'll prolly devote another page to that game, but who knows? Well, i'll see what i can do.
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*What Song by Evanescence are You?*
brought to you by Quizilla Click here to go to my FFX Image Page Or here to go to my Magic: TCG Page

Paige, this should link to the file i emailed u about about, right click and save as to download it.