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Any comments, opinions, or ideas, email Matt or Smittay

  • 11/6- Holy shit. I din't even know we still had this site. Anyways college stuff is keeping us at bay right now. After December we should be back in ful action. Keep checking for updates on shows, news, etc..
  • 4/13- Hey guys. Thanks to all who came out to support us at the AIDS Benefit concert in Westwood last night. We played a pretty good set, with a couple of minor technical difficulties. We should be appearing at the OMEGA Talent show on Saturday May 3 at Thayer Academy.
  • 1/4- Holy shnizzhit. Its good to see al of you again. Tonight we are beginning to work on our new album or EP (haven't decided yet). Get ready . It's gonna get crazy....
  • 4/9- Just played our new song "Pie Heaven" for morning meeting on Monday. It was a big success and for the first time you could hear the vocals...YES!!!!! Till next time, I bid you adeau.
  • 3/19 - ON VACATION... I was looking at the site and I realized that I havn't updated it in a LONG TIME, so here goes: We have been practicing regularly and we are currently working on a new song that sounds pretty good so far. Keep a lookout for us appearing in a Sophmore talent show during a Monday morning meeting in the near future. That's it for now.
  • 1/27 - Again, to the two of you who care, sorry we haven't updated in a month. So, we had a successful run with the talent show, and about three weeks later Jeff says to us, "Hey, guys, Tiffany Kelly called me and we're gonna play Amanda's surprise party on the twelfth. But I can't make practice this weekend." Now, the party is one weekend away and we're missing a crucial member for the only practice. Just a Jeff story for ya. We did actually get to the church at which the party was held about 7 hours prior to practice, and we played pretty well. The show wasn't as good as the practice, but it was still pretty good. We made a dance to "Blue Bossa" and premired "Wading in the Velvet Sea" and "Birthday". Check out the setlist . Today, Greg SMith took out Matt and Jeff in a fight via a pillow. Jeff had to pick Matt's skin out of his teeth and has a loose tooth. Matt has a gash on his forehead. Greg had to pay for pizza. Smooth, Greg, smooth. WOOOOOO, PATS!
  • 12/20 - Happy Holidays!
  • 12/8 - We did the Talent Show, and, I must say, it was a success. We decided to play "Swan Song" and "drift" (in that order) and we got a pretty good reaction. Kids I talked to especially liked the synth on "Drift" (until Jeff screwed it up by playing the low synth WAY too loudly). All in all, it was a good time.
  • 11/29 - Hey, yea, we had practice a couple of times over Thanksgiving break, which was really fun. It was good to get back together and just play for once. We might do a talent show at our school on the seventh, which could include "drift" or "Italy", but we're still figuring it all out. Who were the ad wizards that came up with that one?
  • 10/27 - Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but the band hasn't got together in two months, so there's little to report. Because of sports, it may be another couple of week before we play again, but we might have a gig in Cohasset in January.
  • 9/25 - Jeff and I are one step away from brotherhood. Poke him in the knee.
  • 9/10- Get Better, Jeff!
  • 9/6- Greg Spitz's birthday. Everybody be sure to give him a birthday dope slap.
  • 9/5- We all went back to school. My prediction is that Greg Smith will have a nervous breakdown in less than a month. Mark your calenders, folks. Also, Mr. Skop will kill someone, specifically Matt. I'd give him a week. We also recieved news today that Jeff's piano teacher is working on a studio which should be done in a month which we could use....for a price. Kudos, Jeff, kudos.
  • 9/1 - A summation of today's "Practice": If you think watching Disney's "Aladdin" while eating grilled cheese sandwiches to be hard work, consider us James Brown.
  • 8/21 -Today Greg Smith finshed his track on "Drift" with the magic of 4 track, making it sound even better. The eight hour practice also included recording a revamped "Italy", "Swan Song", "Mrs. Smith's Empire", and "Homesick". Sweet.
  • 8/20 -Without Greg Smith we recorded "Drift" on Greg Spitz's four track. It sounded awesome. Hooray.
  • 8/13 to 8/18- Practiced and recorded a few songs with Jeff's dealie. It didn't go too well, as the sound quality was pish poor. Also, tensions hightened to a point where Emmett turned to Greg Smith with an insane look in his eye weilding a staple gun and querying as to Greg Smith's belief if he was "lucky" or not. So we gave up until we could get a four track...which Greg Spitz got on Saturday.
  • 8/7- Band practice today was ok. A three-man-jam consisting of Matt, Emmett, and Greg Smith with nothing really accomplished. We did actually try out the new P.A. system. The three also worked out an album song order, an album title and even possibly a name . We're thinking maybe Peyton, Smittay's middle name for a name "Headfirst into the Stars" for an album and the following track listing:
  • 1- Adequate
  • 2- Italy
  • 3- Swan Song
  • 4- Drift
  • 5- Hanging from a post (#1)
  • 6- Wisconsin
  • 7- #16
  • 8- Mrs. Smith's Empire
  • 9- Home Sick
  • 10- See You Tomorrow
  • 11- Channel 12
  • 8/6- GS2, Emmett, and Matt went out to Mars Music and bought a P.A. system. Jeff was left behind at Wrestling camp. Too bad. It was a very good deal and this will help us with our drowned out vocals. And the Sox won 10-7.
  • 7/31- Greg Smith had a horrible freak wakeboarding accident that left him with severely pulled muscles and tendons in his neck. That makes it twice that Greg has gone to the Emergency Room in two months.