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Perfection - Chapter 49

"Where is da stinkbomb?" Brian grinned when he made his way out to the back to the bus. With his words he was referring to the disaster that Nick had done earlier in the day, when he had cleared a whole room at the photo shoot. That was something that only Nick could do, and even if he thought it was disgusting at the time being he laughed about it now.

Howie was slouching on the sofa in the back, reading a book with his headphones on. He looked up when the younger man entered the premises, "Huh?" He pulled off the headphones, turning off the walkman. "What did you say?"

"The Fartman!" Brian laughed, noticing Howie’s confused look. "NICK," he clarified with a sigh. Howie could be so slow sometimes. Too slow.

"Oh," Howie pointed with his tumb towards the bunkbeds. "He went to take a nap. Said his stomach was still upset."

"He did?" There was concern etched on Brian’s forehead. "Nick has had that stomach bug way too long, maybe he should go and see a doctor."

"Yeah I know," Howie sighed, turning attention back to his book.

Brian wasn´t about to leave that alone, "I´m going to talk to Johnny about this. He will run out of energy if he keeps up this pace." Brian shook his head, worried, "this schedule is tough, too tough for Nick to handle."

"I agree on that," Howie mumbled from his corner, "maybe Kev can have a talk to Lou so Nick could get a few days off." The oldest bandmember was often used to go and tell the management the other’s opinion.

"Kev?" Brian asked a surprised, "I don´t think that he and Lou have the best relations after the awards show night. Kev thinks that Lou is an ass."

"So what’s new?" Howie sighed, putting on his earphones again. If there were one thing that the Latino didn´t like, it was when there were conflicts in the air. And recently there had been too many. It was partly because they had been on the road for over a month spending 24/7 together. But it was also because the schedule was way too stressed. That they had also been attacked by all sorts of germs didn´t actually improve the situation

Sensing this, Brian decided to change the subject. "What are you reading?"

"A thriller," Howie held up the book so Brian could see the title.

"Okay," there wasn’t any real interest, yet Brian forced himself to say, "What is it about?"

Howie, happy to be able to talk about something else besides Nick’s alleged illness, quickly told about the contents. Brian on the other hand was just listening with half an ear. His thoughts kept trailing off to his "little brother". There was something off with him and as soon as Nick would wake up he would encounter him about his "problems". They rarely kept any secrets to each other and getting to live together so close for such a long time they knew each other pretty well. And now Brian knew that there was more than meets the eye with Nick, he could just tell.

Kevin, coming out from the small bathroom, was the one that saved Brian from a safe death of boredom. Once Kevin or Howie got started to tell something that they thought was important for the rest of the world to know there was no hitting the ‘off’ button. They had all different ways to meet this. Brian usually told a joke, AJ left the room and Nick, he either spaced out or said in a whining manner that they were boring him. Nick and AJ´s frank way always got them in trouble.

"What are you guys doing?" the older man asked, picking up a can of beer from the counter. He pushed Howie’s feet off the sofa, sitting down.

Brian, sick and tired of listening to Howie, but also concerned for life in general sneered a bit too forceful, "What does it look like we’re doing?" He loved his cousin, but sometimes Kevin could ask such stupid questions. "We´re having a party!"

Rolling his eyes, Kevin said nothing. Instead he turned on the tv, French news blasting at him. Even if he didn´t understand that much he still left the tv on. If they were in France they could at least educate themselves a little on the language, besides Kevin and Howie liked being a bit intellectual. Trying and learning new things.

AJ, who was dosing in his bunkbed, yelled irritated, "Turn off that piece of shit! There are people trying to sleep here!" He was in no mood to listen to someone that sounded like they had swallowed a hot potato.

In protest, Kevin turned up the volume, ignoring the resting man’s request.

"What the hell!" the young man burst out, "Didn´t you hear me? Turn off that piece of shit before I throw the tv out off the bus." AJ was not in a good mood, mainly because the walls were starting to close in on him and he longed for a break. He also had a fight with Amanda and his girlfriend had claimed that someone was talking out on something called Groupie net, about his little escapades. Life was turning it´s back on AJ, slowly.

"Watch your language," Kevin responded, still ignoring Bone.

Both Howie and Brian sensed that this was the beginning of a conflict and Brian tried to snatch the controller from his cousin’s hand.

"Don´t," there was a warning tone in the voice as the Kentuckian gave away a glare. Turning his attention back to AJ,"It wouldn´t hurt you if you got some education."

"Yeah right," AJ muttered, "But not listening to that piece of crap!" He was in such a foul mood. Due to Nick’s unfortunate condition, the photoshoot had been delayed several times, and even though he felt bad for his friend he was still pissed that the teen had managed to stall it all. He had been running back and forth to the restroom and when he finally was in a shape to take those pics he had complained that he was feeling dizzy. This had set both Brian and Howie in for a fit and they had demanded that nothing would be done before they got something to eat. Then when they finally sat down to eat, all Nick did just pick at his food and this had the rest of the guys even more concerned. They were all late to the next city and now they had to go non stop so they could make it to Lyon and tonights concert. AJ was pissed because he thought that it was all getting on his nerves. This life! Always having to take into consideration to everyone else. It sucked!

Also added to the fact was that he wanted to have some privacy to speak to Amanda to talk to her, to explain the situation. It was his bad concidence that was hunting him too and it ached in his heart when he thought about how he was hurting Amanda. She had been so upset that she said that she was going to end their relationship if he didn´t stop cheating on her. But telling AJ to stop flirting was like telling someone to stop breathing. It was part of his life.

And now Kevin was on his case with some French shit!

"You´re never taking anyone into consideration," Kevin stated, refusing to turn off the tv. "God you sometimes act so immature."

"Like you´re the one to talk," AJ sneered. "You´re always trying to be a know it all when you don´t know damn shit."

Kevin glared at AJ and soon the fight was at full force. They were screaming at each other, calling each other names and saying stuff that they knew that they each would regret later. But in the heat of the fight, feelings was not something that they cared about.

“Shhh," Brian said when they were yelling at each other a bit too loud. The voices drowned what the French lady said, not that anybody cared. "You´re waking Kaos up."

Usually this aspect would have been taken into consideration, but now both men were way too agitated. Touring was taking both the best and the worst out of them and spending all the time together was testing their nerves and friendship.

Finally Howie was getting fed up with the situation, "Stop it! You act like two toddlers fighting over a toy." He rubbed his hand tiredly over his face. "I know that this is getting to all of us, but we have to try to get along or we might as well call this quits.” Turning to Kevin he said sarcasticaly, "You really act your age."

Kevin glared irritated, stopping immediatly. Howie or ‘Sweet D’ rarely butted into a situation, but when he did he was always very upset. AJ grinned, thinking that he had won.

Noticing this Howie sneered, "And you, Bone, better wipe that smug grin off your face. You are acting like an ass."

A snort was heard. The younger man turned his back towards the gang, flipping Kevin off in the process. This gesture was taking house in hell and if it weren´t for Brian holding his cousins arm down, a fistfight would have broke out.

"Hey you better watch that attitude," Kevin barked, ready to show AJ who was boss. He clenched his fist, getting ready to mentally punch AJ out.

"Take it easy," Brian tried to calm his cousin down. Kevin jerked his arm back, almost hitting Brian in the face in the process.

"Watch it!"

Kevin was about to defend himself when a sleepy voice was heard from the top bunkbeds. "Stop it or I will cut one..I swear." There was a brief pause as the guys looked up at the bed where the voice had come from, "and I tell you that this one will definately clear the bus!"

Upon hearing this the guys started to chuckle. It was so like Nick to break the tension, ‘Release the pressure.’ Laughter was heard in the bus when Brian yelled, "NOOOO Not another gas attack!" He ducked, taking cover.

The tension that had flooded in the bus was suddenly gone, replaced with several jokes about Nick’s predicament. If there was something that could cheer up a situation it was when they told bathroom jokes or picked on their youngest band member. This time they could kill two birds.

Nick on the other hand was not so happy. He had once again used his own discomfort to make other people happy. It was something he did when people fought. He would show his own mistakes to get other people to laugh. The truth was that Nick didn´t like tension or conflicts. It always made him feel so unsure and everytime there was a big fight between the guys he got a lump in his throat. What if they became such enemies that they would end the group? That was his worst fear. That the Backstreet Boys would be over and he wouldn´t be able to be together with his brothers. Everytime he thought about this it felt like he would choke.

He groaned. His stomach was still churning, altough he couldn´t tell from what. That health drink was making him sick and going to the bathroom ten times in a day and Nick thought it was a bit too high of a price to pay for loosing weight. Damned Lou, if this was what his life was going to be, feeling shitty, he would rather quit this dieting and became a happy and healthy fatso instead.

Besides, he didn´t think that he was THAT fat either!

Dark thoughts were occupying his mind when he suddenly remembered that Lou had told him that this was just a try. That he could quit the dieting anytime that he wanted to. He had to go and talk to Lou, tell him how bad he felt and that this wasn´t worth it. He couldn´t go on like this, feeling like everytime he moved he would either shit his pants or bend over from cramps. If the fans knew that the new pelvic thrust that he did had nothing to do with being sexy they would pass out. From shock.

He chuckled to himself.

"What are you grinning at?" AJ asked from the bunk below. "Are you hearing voices?"

Irritated to be disturbed with such a stupid question he sneered back, "Yeah yours, dumbass!"

"Hey stupid. Watch it!"

Now Nick was getting AJ´s irritation over Kevins bossing around, and before the teen could react, a tennis shoe came flying nearly hitting him in the head.

"OUCH!" He drawled, feeling hurt from the offending movement," Why did you have to do that?" There were loads of accusation in his tone.

"Because," AJ snarled, "I´m so fucking tired of your stupid comments." He banged his fist against the wall, "This fucking bus is getting on my fucking nerves." He sounded like he was close to having a nervous breakdown.

"Watch your language." Kevin responded irritated, the tension back in the air again. Nick could hear Brian and Howie talking in the back, trying to get AJ to calm down. The teen did his best too.

"What´s eating your ass?"

"YOU!" AJ growled at Nick, still banging his fist against the wall. Frustrated. "You and this whole fucking business! FUCK!" He shouted, "This is NOOO LIFE!"


"I´m just so tired of this." AJ growled, his tears brimming in his eyes. It was clear that the stress had finally gotten to the young man and soon both Kevin and Howie tried to calm him down. As always it was Sweet D' with his soft and calm voice that managed to get AJ to chill out. Even though he and Kevin had been in a fight earlier AJ still had respect for the older man and he listened as Kevin told him that they were all feeling like this, but that they had to straighten up. This time the skinny man listened without objecting.

Brian sensing that the rest of the guys needed to be alone to talk said to Nick in a cheerful tone, "Come on let´s play a game of Nintendo."

Nick thought for a moment, then he said, "Sure, but be prepared. I´m going to kick your ass."

"You wish!" Brian grinned.

Nick smiled too. Still there was nothing that beat spending time with Brian. They were Frick and Frack. Inseperable.

But the moment he jumped down from the bunk he realized that not everything was fine. His stomach was doing flip flops again and he felt the porcelain phone calling his name, "I´m just going to the toilet first," Nick said walking over to the small bathroom, closing the door behind him. Outside Brian shook his head. Something was definatly off with his friend. And he intended to find out what!


It was past midnight and the boys had just came back from the venue. Kevin, AJ and Howie were too wired to go to sleep so they had decided to go clubbing. Brian had turned down the offer, saying that he would stay and watch a video with Nick. But then Leigh Anne had called and Nick felt left out.

Standing in the hallway of the small middle class hotel, Nick felt nervous. He was licking his lips, his hands clammy and sweaty. Cold sweatdrops were dotting his forehead. He had finally mustered the courage to talk to Lou about the new diet. And now he felt scared. For some strange reason the overweight manager always made him feel uncomfortable and small.

To his relief his stomach had finally calmed down before the concert and he could perform without any bigger mishaps happening. He hadn´t dare eat anything, in case his stomach would rebel again and now he was as hungry as a wolf. He stole some glances over at the vending machines. Maybe he should get a snack or two. Couldn´t hurt, could it? But then he was reminded of the cruel over eating he had encountered during the night with Lou and he decided against it. Spending the whole day running back and forth to restrooms was not his type of fun.

'Deep breaths.....deep breaths.’ Nick mentally prepared himself. ‘Come on Nick you can do this!' This was something that he had learned to do before concerts when his nerves were on a high wire. It helped him calm down, relax and afterwards he felt so much better. But then those times he didn´t have to meet Lou Pearlman!

Knocking at the door he started to think that this was a bad descision. What if the manager would be mad at him? He had nearly given up his task when the door opened and the managers face came to view. Nick’s stomach clenched. From fear.

"Nick?" the manager sounded surprised. "What do YOU want?" He was holding a whiskey glass in his hand and his pig like eyes bored into him with Nick backing away, unvoluntarily.

"´m..uh..I´m," the teen stuttered, mentally cursing himself for not getting the words out. Why did he always have to sound like such a dumbass when there was something important to say? Why couldn´t he be cool like AJ who always, almost always, had the situation under control?

"Speak up boy!" Lou said a bit irritated over being disturbed this late at night. He sipped on his drink before opening the door a bit further so Nick could look into the big hotel suite. "Come in."

Hesitating, Nick stood by the door. He was more and more starting to think that this was a bad decision and that he should back out while there was time. "So..sorry," he mumbled, looking down at his feet, "I have to..have to go."

But the manager didn´t want to hear such words.

"Nonsense," Lou mentioned with his hand for Nick to come inside, "Come in and tell me what is on your mind." There was a friendly touch in his words and for a moment Nick didn´t feel so ill at ease. Not daring to do anything else he followed the older man in.

"You want something to drink boy? Coke.... Sprite?" the manager asked, pouring some more whiskey into the glass.

"No," Nick shook his head. Even tough thirst and hunger was wracking his body he didn´t think that he could hold anything down in his stomach.

Sitting down in a large armchair the manager asked,"What was it that you wanted to talk to me about?" He gestured with his chubby hand for Nick to sit down. Not daring to do anything else, he sank down on the bed. Twisting his hands nervously he was desperately trying to find something to say, " know that drink that gave me?"

"Yes?" Lou narrowed his eyes at Nick, giving the teen a feeling that his precence wasn´t wanted at all.

"It´s making me sick!" Nick spat out the words very fast, hoping that the manager wouldn´t make him answer any embarrassing questions.

"It does?" In Nick’s mind it looked like the manager rather enjoyed the awkward situation, "In what way?" Lou smiled.

Nick blushed. It was bad that he had an upset stomach, but sharing details with Mr. Pearlman he didn´t think was neccessary. "Eh..I have had to run to the bathroom all day."

"Oh I take it that you were nauseaous."

"NO!" God did he have to explain the situation to the manager too?

"Then what?" The manager knew very well what it was about but he looked like he enjoyed to see the boy squirm. Like a worm on the hook.

"I have..I have.. you know." Nick blushed violently.

"No I don´t," Lou smiled briefly, "What is it that you are trying to say boy?"

Nick shifted uncomfortably. The manger was trying to make him embarrassed, but he decided that he wouldn´t fall into that trap, "The health drink that you are giving me makes me have the shits." He draw back his breath, trying to buy time, "and I don´t want to take it anymore."

Lou chuckled. "Of course it is giving you diarrhea. That is because the fat is washing out of your system. This is a sure sign that the health drink is actually working. As soon as all that fat is out of your system you are starting to feel like new again." He paused, " And then you will start to loose weight."

"But..but I don´t want to get SICK anymore. This stuff is making me feel bad and I can´t have stomach cramps all the time. I can´t do my job." Nick’s voice was whiny and there was a hint of desperation too.

"Really?" Lou’s tone was a mixture of amusement and irritation. "Isn´t you the same one that spent the night in my hotel room snacking away?" There wasn’t friendliness in the words.

"Yes bu..."

The manager interrupted him before he was being able to fulfill his sentences. "What do you expect Nicky? Of course you get sick when you overeat like that."

"I didn´t overeat!" Now Nick was feeling his temper flare up.

"Well I wasn´t the one that forced them down your throat boy. You ate it all by yourself. Instead I made you realize the consequences over such overindulgence." Lou snapped, "You should thank me instead of blaming me for your own stupidity

Now Nick was getting really upset. The manager was accusing him for overeating when HE was the one that forced the food down his throat. This was so unfair. Nick felt like he wanted to cry. It had turned out to be a bad decision to talk to the manager and he wished he had never made such a stupid mistake.

"NO I won´t, it´s making me sick and I don´t want to take this anymore."

"What are you saying boy?" Lou’s eyes were cold. "Are you disobeying orders?"

Nick pleaded desperatly, "But..but you said that if I didn´t like it I could quit."

"I never said that!" The tone was firm as the manager set down his drink on the glass table. "Listen boy, you are turning into a fat slob and MY job is to see that you are looking presentable." He grabbed Nick’s worn out T-shirt, lifting it up so Nick’s belly was visible. "Look at that," he spat. "You need to loose lots of weight and if you don´t start now you will look like a giant baby that no one would even look twice at."

The words hurt more than he wanted to admit. It burned a hole into his soul and he had to swallow hard from not starting to cry in front of his manager. How could someone be so cruel?

"You better continue with that health drink or you will be in for trouble.... real trouble!" There was threat in the manager’s voice.

Nick sighed, looking down. He knew it! Lou hadn´t listened to him at all. Feeling a hand squeezing his shoulder he tensed. "Just follow my instructions and you will be fine." The manager grinned, "In fact I want you to weigh yourself in every third day so I see if you have gained or lost weight.

A chill ran down his spine. Lou was sick. Obsessed with his weight. He was feeling more and more trapped. In a game that he couldn´t win.

Lou had him in his snare.

Chapter 50