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..Welcome To B2K City..

Welcome everyone to B2K City. This webpage is all about those 4 fine guys B2K. I decided to make a special page just for them to show my support to The Boys Of The New Milliennum. Well I don't know how many of u have checked out my other webpage,

This graphic was made by Shanise, Thank You Shay!

that page is dedicated to IMx.

B2K is the future Immature of the new Milliennum. Please enjoy your stay here, and remember, support B2K as well as IMx, and let's take these 2 groups to the top, where they belong. Thanks and Keep Supportin' B2K and IMx.
::Updated 06/06/2002::
Notes was updated, since Mario (Raz B) birthday is this month, I decided to base the layout around him, Stay Tuned and please sign the guestbook to tell me what you think about my site...Holla...

Vote For B2K's new video 'Gots Ta Be' @
Vote For B2K's new video 'Gots Ta Be' @
If there are any pictures and/or links that you would like from my site, please, please, please do not link from my site. You are using all of my bandwidth and that hurts my page. So if you want a picture, link or music download them on to your computer, don't link from my site. Thank you...Neicy...


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Thank you, to the best of both worlds (IMx and B2K) for this image
This site is dedicated to Aaliyah and Left Eye..We miss you both..Rest In Peace....