January 27, 2004 5:33pm
My first entry

so I have decided that not being able to use my own styles on all those other journal things suck. The fact that I can't do my own doman thing sucks, and the fact that I don't know how to make templates sucks, but that is ok. Anyway I guess this is where I tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Amy and I am 18 years old. I live in Colorado Springs and I hate it. The weather sucks. It doesn't know if it wants to be cold or if it wants to be hot. Or if it wants to snow or rain. It's ver confusing, but you get used to it after living her for 18 years. I haven't traveled much, but I've been to a few places. I've been to Texas, Idaho, California and Las Vegas. I went to Vegas with Marc, his mom and his step dad last summer before we broke up. It was in June sometime. Anyway, I like to listen to music. I think if I didn't have music, I'd go insane. I like to watch movies and current found that my favorite actor is Jake Gyllenhaal. He was in Donnie Darko and October Sky. Well, he's been in more, but those are the movies I like the most with him in them. In Donnie Darko he plays a schitzo who sees a demonic rabbit and things about time travel. In the end of the movie everything makes sense. In October Sky, he plays a kid who builds rockets. He lived in a time where they set the first Sattelite to space, he looked up at the sky and watched it streak across the sky and decided he wanted to build rockets. It was a very good movie. Anyway I guess that is it for now.
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