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Like a caged animal I'm waiting to escape
You say you love me but I'm trapped by this hate
To destroy the evil is only to excite it
It's burning inside and I just can't fight it

Evil lives inside forever tomenting me
Among all the things that I can't see
And all the people and the things that I'll never be

Love only exsists in fairy tales
I'm telling you baby this is gonna fail
The evil has taken over me
A major evil now I can see


The mice live in the trash
Those who have seen the light,
Well, they're in the fridge

We're all like blind mice, follow our nose to what we think tastes good
Once we find that good taste, we stop looking

all we're smelling is the celery
if we wern't so blind we might find the freaking cheese

We're all like blind mice, follow our nose to what we think tastes good
Once we find that good taste, we stop looking

You can eat well forever or be clawing through the crap
Decide if you want to live and what you're gonna live for

***All lyrics written by Zac Cox. So don't steal them!***

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Sombrero Sheep Records
Noah Swanson
Cherry St. Guitar Co.
The Laser
Fender guitars
Ibanez guitars
Peavey guitars

The site created and maintained by the Gremlin.