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History of the Band

The Origin

The scene: Spring of 2002. The players: Jack McDonald and Ryan Holden. While walking home one day, Jack and Ryan were talking about making music. They were both bemoaning the fact that neither of them had a band, and a bulb lit up. They decided to form a band. The rest, as they say, is history. Actually, the rest is just below this paragraph.

Early Days

As we last left the two stalwart companions, they were plotting how to go about making a band. Instead of going through all the muck of auditioning new members, the two decided to just get together in Ryan's basement on a Saturday afternoon and lay some groundworks, and oh what a groundworks they lay. Two songs were written in that first session. The first, a woefully dismal failure known only as "Growl", was thrown out immediately. The second, a song about teenage pregnancy known as "Jessie", was their first success as a writing duo, and remains a staple of the modern day ...And Then There's Me. During the next session, "Song For The Loser" was written, and has since faded into obscurity. The third session, this time at Jack's house, produced the acoustic balland, "Unrequited", and the heavy metal headbanger "Mexico". By this time, Jack and Ryan were beginning to want other members in the band, and after the summer of 2002, they decided to get them some.

More Members?

The quest for new members was on. A bassist was found in the form of Suzie Pfaff, a jazz-oriented playerdecided to take pity on the poor fledgling band and grace it with her presence. A drummer was recruited; a boy by the name of Steve Maloy that had known Jack for several years. With the lineup complete, the band set about rehearsing and making new material. One original song (Vial) and two covers ("All Apologies" by Nirvana and "Paranoid" by Black Sabbath) have been done, with more in the works.

Home Sweet Home