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My Life
Sunday, 17 August 2003
Yesterday wass highschool orientation. I'm so excited about highschool I know it sounds wierd but I can't wait. I have everything I need ready to go. I've been working on the script more and I'm half way done. Hope fully I can finish it by September. I'm working on a picture right now of what I'll my friends would look like as fairy tale charechters. I also just took this quiz Belle
You are Belle from Beauty and the Beast!

What Disney Princess are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

If you have any quizzes I can take please tell me. Thanks Bye

ps my dad's getting me a cell phone yay!!!!

pps if you know where to get any more puffs please tell me.

Posted by band2/all_about_me at 11:46 AM PDT
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Thursday, 14 August 2003
Many unsucsessful searchs
Right now I'm working on the script and the website for my movie at the same time.
I would also like to tell my friends that this is not the story of Queen Mary but an entirely different one. I will post a summary on my website later. If you are good at making banners and other HTML please contact me because I need help with my website. Thank You

I have also been searching the internet for an agent so my band can be discovered. If you know of any then please post or e-mail me. My e-mail is I would prefer if we could send them a tape or meet them in the Sacremento area.

On another note I'm really bored. If you want to chat and have AIM my sn is cheetahsinger.
Thats all for now bye.

Posted by band2/all_about_me at 9:48 AM PDT
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Monday, 11 August 2003
I just took this quiz and it definetlly describes me. things
You are "Things I'll never say". Wow you
might be the shyest person anyone could ever
meet. You have lots of feelings welling up deep
inside you but no way to get them out. Whenever
you talk to that speical somebody the words
never seem to come out right. Everyone adores
you because of your extreme shyness. They know
they can confide in you with any problem they
may have. Once in a while you should let loose
and shine. People definitely don't know what
they're missing.

What Avril Lavigne song are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Posted by band2/all_about_me at 10:50 AM PDT
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The Movie I talked about that I'm making with my friends called Bloody Mary is now called Blood Envy. I also started working on the website which you can check out on the side panel. Right now I'm working on the script so we can start practicing. I'll be back later bye.

Posted by band2/all_about_me at 10:42 AM PDT
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Sunday, 10 August 2003
About Me
I'm bored so here's some info about me.

Name: Rebekah Martin
Age: 14
City: The Middle of Nowhere
Best Friends (not in order): Kelsey, Sarah, Alicia, Nattalie, Sydney
Camp Friends: to many to list
Intrests: Singing,water polo,writing
Other random facts: I'm the lead singer in a band called The Sixth Element, I'm making a movie called Bloody Mary, My favorite singer is Avril Lavinge, I can't spell. :)

Posted by band2/all_about_me at 5:25 PM PDT
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Today I went to the fair with my friends. It was great and we went all the "scary" rides. None of the rides are actually scary but there the best ones at the fair. We are also starting a band called The Sixth Element. I'm lead singer it should be really fun. Now if we could just find a drumer. We are also working on a movie called Bloody Mary. I'm working on a website. I'll post the link when its done. If you want to know the basic story e-mail at It should be really good. Thats all for now bye. ps If you know any scary stories e-mail me.

Posted by band2/all_about_me at 4:49 PM PDT
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Friday, 8 August 2003
I'm very bored. No one is online. I'm going to go watch a movie bye.

Posted by band2/all_about_me at 4:40 PM PDT
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Summer is almost over. Highschool orientation is Aug 15. On Aug 19 we get our schedules. Then school starts Aug 20. Highschool is going to be so much fun. We finally get lockers. I get to take choir as a class. That rocks. I'm also signed up for leadership, I'm not sure what it is but it sounds like fun. I'm also going to play water polo next year. Then I can do swim team in the fall. I'm going to get so lost at NU. I hope I can find my classes on the first day. I wonder how much everyone has changed over the summer. I'm taller and my hair is longer. I wonder if I'll meet any new hot guys. I wonder if Zach is still hot. I hope so. See Ya later.

Posted by band2/all_about_me at 3:24 PM PDT
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