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All in All

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Well it all started back in the fifth grade.Thats when Steve and Rudy met. Then Jeo came but we really didnt know him. So later on in life Steve and Jeo started to hang out alot. then when we got to Jr. High. We all started to hang out. then we met a guy named Ryan and figured out that he played the guitar. so Steve bought a pair of drums and we told Jeo to buy a bass so he did. We started playing together and then we needed to get a singer but the problem was that rudy wanted to play guitar so we thought we would just let him play rythm guitar. As the years went by we had already been in several different bands together and rudy got way better than Ryan we started a band called the Dissinitives and Rudy quit that one in a matter of time. About three months later Steve and Jeo quit The Dissinitives, Steve started to talk to rudy again and then they started All in All. origionally Steve was going to play the rythm guitar but we got Jeo to play bass and Steve just decided to play the drums. After about three months Rudy asked Ryan to play rythm guitar for us and he did. For about six months we used Ryans talent and he just wasnt living up to his expectations. So we kicked him out and got Richard. He has been in All in All for a while and has already contributed more then ryan ever did. All in All is better than ever and will be playing for alot longer then any one expected. we have already been together for nine months and hope to be together for a long as time can give us. All in All
