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Ahs Music Fundraiser's

Reasons to give ideas for fundraisers.

Our favorite sites

Photo Album

This page is mainly for us to try and get you to give us some really good fundraising ideas. If you are to shy to give us one or just keep forgetting, now is your chance to tell us. You can email us with your idea anytime and we will get back to you ASAP. Please help us, we keep doing the same ideas because we can not think of anymore. Let be new and exciting this year. Start thinking!! This is also a page for the parent to see what we are really all about through our eyes. So if you have pictures that you took of you and your friends or your group, send them to us and they will be on here. And don't forget, this is a band AND chorus page so maybe we can get finaly a joined page. Thanks for your help guys. Your band and choral student officers.
