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After nearly four years of preperation, A September Farewell finally made a name for itself in April of 2003. Kyle Enz released his solo ep, "These Goodbye's We Can't Deny" which sold very well. After more experimentation, ASF released the first demo album, under the former name of "An Uncertain Timing", in June of 2003. Titled "..And Then He Hit The Pavement", the album also sold very well. Although the quality was still not the there. In November of 2003, AUT released their second album, the first official album, called "There's Light At The End of This Tunnel". The album did even better then the first, but it still wasn't where Kyle Enz wanted things to be. After heading back into the studio to work even harder, he spent the next eight months crafting the follow up album, "The Empty". Released in August of 2004, the album marked the final album under "An Uncertain Timing". The album was going to be of better quality, but because of certain mistakes, the album ended up being of the not best quality. It sold, but not as well as the first album. Then in May of 2005, after months of preperation, recording, and re-recording, "The Sea Falls Back" was finally released. Originally under the album name of "I'm Alright...It's Ok...I'll Move On", the album went under changes almost five times. Kyle Enz spent endless hours working on the lyrics and the songs, writing almost forty songs for the album, which only nine actually made the cut. The album is of the best possible quality it can be at this time, and it is light years ahead of the previous three albums. It's truly an album to be proud of. In July of 2005, ASF changed it's name once again to the final name of "Armistice". Feeling that the band is no longer an "emo sensation", a new, more serious name needed to be picked. The current project for Armistice is "And Then You Picked me Up (The Worship Project)" which is currently being recorded and worked on. Expect it sometime Fall 2005. With Armistice, Kyle hopes to bring the message of hope, the message of Jesus to the town of Crystal Lake with his new album, "And Then You Picked me Up". Armistice is Kyle Enz

5-1-05: Happy May Day! Well it doesn't really feel like May 1st here, it feels more like March 1st, but anywho here's some news. First and foremost, after a month of schedule conflicts, the new album, "The Sea Falls Back" will be recorded by only myself. It will be as usual, a solo outing, but thanks to new recording equipment, the new album will be sounding much better then any previous album I've worked on. The albums release date has also been pushed up! I'm now going to have it ready for a May 17th release. So get ready.

Other news: The other album that I've started within this new journey, "And Then You Picked me Up" will be recorded and available June 14th, 2005. With the help of some of my previous band mates from other bands, and the help of Canton's own, "After the Fall", the new worship project will be something to truly be proud of. Get ready for it.

And finally, you can hear the first song off the new album, "The Sea Falls Back". It's the title track of the cd, and I'm 100% pleased with how it turned out. For me, it's my first true masterpiece. -Kyle

5-6-05: Because I'm never 100% pleased with anything, The title track was taken down from purevolume and myspace. I'm re working it this weekend, and the audio clip will be inserted into a different song. Eric D. from "After The Fall" and I have been talking, and we have come to the conclusion that some of the poetry I've been writing would make for excellent songs. We are going to start a side project. That's all I can tell you as of now. Yes, you might recall, A September Farewell started two years ago as a side project, but it ended up turning into something greater. I don't have a band name or anything yet, but I can tell you it will feature both of us on vocals, and maybe even a suprise visit from James C. of "After the Fall" on drums. I will give more info out as soon as it becomes available.

The new album is still on scheduled track for release May 17th. However, do to production problems here, I might just not have a cover for the album's release that day. Since I don't want to delay things any further, I'll be handing out twenty copies of the new album at school on May 17th. Later on, the album will be released with the cover and a cd jewel case.

Tomorrow I'll be heading back into my studio for more work on the new album. Expect to hear some of the new, remastered and final copies of songs as soon as tomorrow evening.

5-7-05:Recording isn't done, but it's half done. I have four songs done for the new album, and you can hear three of them at myspace or purevolume. But to give you a hint: listen to "The Arsonist & The Fire Within" for it's my personal favorite. The new album is still on track for May 17th. The new songs show what direction ASF is taking, far away from any emo brandishs it's previously gotten. I also have the lyrics to the songs up on the lyrics page.

5-8-05: Hapy Mother's day! Well where do I begin? First and foremost, I'm happy to report that the album will be done completly finished tomorrow. Then I can put it into production. I have one last song to record. It will for sure be out May 17th. Secondly, I have the final tracklisting for the album, and it goes as follows:

1. The Echoes of the Ocean (Instrumental)
2. The Arsonist & The Fire Within
3. I Emerged From The Darkness
4. Just Let Me
5. The Sea Falls Back
6. We Are
7. All Falling Down
8. A Denial
9. The Long Road Ahead (Instrumental)

Finally, I'd like to announce that Eric D. of "After The Fall" and I have started a side folk acoustic project called "Armistice". You can find us at for now, until we get a official site. We are going to record a five song ep that should be out June 2005. So yes, I'm gonna be one busy boy this June. - Kyle

5-11-05: The new album is now finally complete. It's going into production and will be available on Tuesday, May 17th. I can say that alot of people have sparked interest in this album, a few have even asked me to play shows with them, so things are going good here. I will make this clear right now though, I can't play any shows in the month of June. I'm too busy that month with family things. July and August are fine, but no June shows. You can hear some of the songs from the new album at either purevolume or myspace.

5-17-05: Well today is the day. The album is done and out and I got rid of at least ten copies, and for starting over in a new town, that's pretty darn good I think. Two big news things you need to hear. First, I will be playing an acoustic show sometime in July with "Shattered Dreams". Secondly, I will be getting a new website in July or August. Trust me, it'll be better then this one. Now, if you want a copy of the new album, it's $3, and email

5-21-05: I need to extend an apology to those that have copies of my album. Track number five, "The Sea Falls Back" is the demo version. I have the real, polished, complete version, but in some crazy mix up, the demo got on the final copy of the cd. So for those that have it, it's now available to download the complete song at either myspace, bandspace, or purevolume. Also, there's some new pictures of me floating around on those various websites.

6-27-05: So now that I'm back from my long vacation to MI, I'm sick. I've got an acoustic string show coming up this month, more news on that. I've gotten out about 50 copies of my new album, "The Sea Falls Back" to various people. Some were sold, some where just given out. The worship album is currently being written, it'll be half original, half re-workings of worship favorites. Don't expect that for awhile ago. There's some new pics floating around on the purevolume and myspace sites. More news will happen as soon as it hits.

6-28-05: Some things to update on. Firstly, I'm gonna be recording some new stuff this week. It's gonna be demos of some of my worship songs for the worship album. Secondly, after my first show, which will hopefully be this month, I am going to invest in getting a new, .com website. I'm tired of Angelfire. Be checking purevolume for the new demo's.

7-3-05: Happy fourth of July, if I don't update tomorrow. Big news: A September Farewell is no more. The band remains, but the name is gone. I've decided because of the fact that "ASF" sounds too much like an "emo sensation", I've changed the band name to "Armistice". This will be the final band name for this band. Also, expect a new website by this fall, and it won't be an angelfire. As soon as I have the funds, I'll be investing into a website. Star looking at the new link below for some of the first worship songs.

7-13-05: Work has been done on the worship album. You can view the new songs on the new purevolume site by clicking the link below. Also, I have another side project under wraps, "The Mauler Funeral Home", which is a industrial sound. Check that out as well. That's all to say right now.

7-17-05: You can hear the new song, "The Mannequin Effect" over at myspace or purevolume now. It's off the upcoming, 2006 album, recently titled "The Window". That could change however. It's been set for a January 3rd release. Also, the worship album is set for an November 15th, 2005 release.

8-6-05: I have a show! I'll be making my Crystal Lake debut at "Just For Fun Rollar Rink" in McHenry, IL on Friday night, September 2nd at 9pm. I'm opening for "The Poet Laureate" & "Shattered Dreams". So come out, support us!

8-24-05: As the date of the show gets closer and closer, I've decided what songs I'll be performing at J4F in Mchenry. They are "I Emerged From The Darkness", "A Denial", & "The Contraband Effect". The Contraband Effect is a new song off the new album, which is currently being written, and will be recorded this fall, called "Darkness Divides, Daylight Entwines". It will still be released on January 3rd, 2006.

Other Stuff

Listen to Mp3's.
Bands (friends of Armistice)
Live Photos
Armistice on myspace
Bandspace page.