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The Band Members

My Favorite Web Sites

friends record label
you know what it is
all about mustangs
We like the fine guyz

This is 3_of_Heartz homepage till our manger buys us a web page. Hope everyone enjoys it. Halie- Hi everyone! People say I am the preppy one of the 3, but I say I am just me. So here goes I graduated from high school in 2001. I was a cheerleader and a damn good one at I would say. I am currently in college and working with this band. i love every part of it. Kitty- Sup homes? These dimwits say I am "gansta" of us three, me I say fuck all of you I am who I be. I know that doesn't make alot of since but to me it makes perfect since. I met the rest of my band members while at a party... one of our managers friends heard us and got her on the phone... guess dats it. wanna say hey-dawgs I am 21 and legal to drink!! Anna Lei- I am the shy one, but I love to sing. I am hoping to get our record contact. I am sure we will... I have all faith in everyone. Hey Kitty who are you calling a dimwit.. I may not stand up to you but I have feelings ya know.. any who I guess that is about it... Oh I am 19 years old