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Marching 110 Fools

"'All of you who go into the equipment room, take four steps out of line.' Several figures moistened by the rain move out of place. 'In this band we leave places cleaner than we found them...the equipment room looks like CRAP. Tomorrow those of you who have moved will clean it. MARK 16!' The band gulps in a breath of air as they realize the severity of the decree. Whistle to mouth, the FC blows...Tweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet, Tweet, Tweet, Tweet, Tweet. The band responds, 'UH 2, 3, 4.' The band drives it as our calves burn, thighs quiver, torsos ache and I think I might pass out, until finally the last set come up. '16,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, DON'T YOU MOVE!' Horns slam to the down position, our legs cease movement instantaneously and the fog begins to lift...and I hear the percussion say, 'YEAH Let's DO IT AGAIN!!!'" Kas ~10/10/02~

110 Links

The Ohio University Marching 110
More Sledding! (added 5-28-03)
Tau Beta Sigma Alpha Delta
2002 Mello Pics
The Shively Experience
110 Floor Show 2003 (added 5-28-03)
PM Slumber Party
My TBS Picture Page
Random Mello Stuff
2003 Marching 110 Pictures
