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News From The Trumpet Tree

Well, we went to Mt. Carmel and got screwed! Ok 3rd place out of 3 bands in our division is pretty
bad, but our score was only away from sweeps by a point or 2. The competition was really close and
that’s a good thing for us considering that our band is half the size of all the bands in our class. Had
there been caption Awards, Vista would have taken best Marching and Best General Effect, but since
this was a Poway school district tournament none of those were given out. Another note on placing,
had our Parade March been 7 or 8 measures longer we would have Swept parade, but we didn’t get
everyone over the line in time as that goes… but enough of what could have happened. There were a
few “incidents” involving the trumpet bus (aka. Busopolis) and what appeared to be the percussion bus
from Valhalla High School. Lets just say that someone showed them who’s boss (tee he he.) We’re
happy to report that the constant rain did not destroy anyone’s instrument and no one from our section
was injured in the making of this tournament. Kyle (Sky Walker) found his way to warm-ups late due
to some personal stuff, we would just like to say on behalf of the whole section, KYLE, WE LOVE
YOU MAN! All things aside, it was a typical Mt. Carmel, next, we’re on to VEGAS!
What in the heck is that noise? Some funny things went down in the band world today. Someone from
somewhere set off the fire alarm in the Tuba room today, the whole school had to have a fire drill. On
a serious note, someone could, and probably will, get suspended for this. A word of advice to the other
bands out there, place a maximum occupancy sign on your tuba room doors, 20 people in a practice
room is in no way healthy or safe… sure it’s all fun until someone puts an eye out. The VHS trumpets
would like to put a serious press release out, we in no way take credit for this incident. Mt. Carmel pictures
should be up once we get some free scanner time
The VHS trumpets would like the whole world to know that our fearless leader Tim "Slim" Gill isn't
going to die! Now we can all look forward to years and years of his wonderful care and compassion.
He should be back for practices and performances sometime before the Vegas trip. In addition, our
football team actually won a game! *take that Torrey Pines* Home Coming festivities took place of
what would have been this year's last "foot ball game field show." (boo-hoo) on a serious note, the
season is almost over, be on the look out for the next few drastic pranks that our section might be
involved in neat the end of the season.
Well, the trumpet Section has indeed left Las Vegas. We actually did very well at the Las Vegas High
School Invitational Field Tournament. 2nd place out of 32 bands, that’s really good right? Our
preliminary score placed us 3rd out of 32 bands, and we were the only band to move up in standings
between finals and prelims. Due to fatigue there were no trumpet pranks at this tournament aside from
Dennis faking a contact high during the short period between prelims and finals. In other awards,
trumpets John Dawson, Eric Guisewite, Joanna Moody, and alumni trumped Mike Wojcik all placed
first in Daytona Racing At New York New York. And I think that everyone had the crap scared out of
them by a roller coaster at one point or another. We would all like to express our love to Monica for
charging up a $40 long distance phone bill in one night. *Yeah Monica.* There should also be an
award given to Bill and Eric for their rendition of “Captain Hampton And The Midget Pirates” that
almost made Mr. Robinson kill everyone. Coming soon, the Vista Invitational Field tournament is this
Saturday!(11-11-2000) Be careful, this one is all about the trumpets!!!
At Tonight’s Practice, The trumpets Strutted their stuff in Mafia Attire, though this is in no way
important or relevant we just thought that is should be mentioned.
VIFT was a complete success. Happy Birthday Matt! Sorry that we never had a “Tuba Room Party”
for you. There were a whole lot of foreign trumpets at vista today, and it seemed that none of them
spoke our language. There was love in the air as many people in our section (and a few alumni) had
their way with those who do not play the divine instrument. tim’s a Pimp . in other news, the trumpet
sleepover was also a success, though the details can not be discussed where the public may view it ;)
everyone got their chance to feel really important and boss complete strangers around while talking in
to Wal*Mart brand “walkie talkies” we’re not too sure who took Sweeps at this one, but we know that
it wasn’t Rancho Bernardo, so all is well. The last Week of the band routine will be starting shortly.
Wednesday night will definitely be one to remember. *note, whoever took Horace the Monkey better
watch their backs!
tonight was the last Wednesday Night practice of the season. There was much rejoicing (yay) by
everyone as the practice begun. Trumpets dawned their Military attire as they do every year in honor
of all the trumpets that find themselves in the armed forces (Go GI Gene) everything went perfectly
including the brawl with the new mortal enemy of our section… The Drum Line. There were people
bleeding and Gizz White Sprained his elbow. Over all, things went really well. And guess who had to
take down the pit equipment. Watch out Drummers, there’s something coming your way.
Ok That’s it folks, nothing more to see, it’s all over. This season has come and gone. The trumpets
would like to thank everyone that made it all possible and all of the other sections for being good
sports through all the torment. Savanna invitational field tournament was a great end to our season,
high Music and overall sweepstakes were the prizes that we took away. Drum line took 3rd place and
Sweeps went to some no-name AAA band. (HA HA HA!) As time goes by I hope that everyone
realizes TRUMPETS ARE THE BEST!!! There isn’t much more to it than that. Even though marching
season is over there are still many opportunities left for mischievous trumpet behavior. There is a
middle school tour planned for December 15, 2000 and we must not forget the Hawaii trip. Since we
never became Section Of The Year Trumpets know what is coming up soon, probably in December.
A full set of pictures from the whole season should also be expected soon, as well as the trumpet hall
of fame, by the way, drum line? Where did your piñata go? :)
Well, long time no update eh? The VHS Trumpets would like to wish everyone a happy (late)
New Year. A few interesting things have happened in the last month or two. Starting off, the middle
school tour went very well, there should be a few new trumpets next year. The christmas parade and
concert were also a success. The best news of all, NO MORE CHRISTMAS MUSIC! With marching
season becoming a fading memory the three floor bands have been formed for second semester,
there should be a "floor Band" section coming to this page soon. Jazz ensamble as well as pep band
and the all new "Theme Park Band" will also be taking shape shortly. With Second semester just
a week away, there is a little bad news for the trumpet section, Bill and possibly Dennis are going
to be leaving us, We're really going to miss you guys. On the topic of second semester, the Hawaii
trip is still on, though the cost keeps growing every day. We will also be doing the anual parade at
DisneyLand, as well as the SCSBOA festival at El Camino High School. Some news of the individual
trumpets, Mandi, Joanna and Shane have all joined Esperanza Drum and Bugle Corps in order to waste
all of their free time. We would like to give a big Thank You to Matt, Flea and Ponch for the recently
updated "Hall Of Shame" the actual Hall Of Fame should be following as soon as everyone turns in their
votes *hint* As an overview, Everything's great in Trumpet Land, keep looking for the next update.
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