Themed Confusion no longer exists. This band is finished, over, dead... I, Austin, am quitting. This band is going nowhere and i get very little support from my fellow band members. Many things have changed. Since our CD didn't get finished over summer, it has been killed by the all powerful hand of Austin. Maybe one day you will hear about us in different places, but for me, this has been a broken dream. But we all move on. We were close to finishing up the CD but it takes many hours and lots of willpower, which is lacking. We had most the music read, but not the time, money, or patience to finish. I could go on and tell people I am in a band but why bother? It is of no use. I think I will stick to going to other bands shows and maybe one day you'll see me playin up on the stage with a different, better little punk band from So Cal.