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FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2006 -- Marti & I are hitting the road today in opposite directions. We'll be apart less than a week on these first trips of December, then we'll reunite for a few days back here in Paris. While we regroup, my bride & I will party heartily with dear pals visiting from the States. Then we'll take off again for Canada & the U.S. We'll be away for most of December, returning just before Christmas to celebrate the holidays with our Paris pals.

Marti's off to Hong Kong this morning on a business trip . . .

. . . while I'm headed to Amsterdam on monkey business.

On December 9 we're going to play with our friends in Montreal . . .

. . . then Marti & I will drive into New York State to visit my favorite aunt
near Lake George.

We'll spend a few days in Charlottesville VA helping Marti's dad celebrate
his 85th birthday . . .

. . . after which we'll go up to Washington for a holiday gathering
of our longtime DC-area buds.

Marti & I will spend a few days in Manhattan with the NYC krew, then return
to Montreal for one more night of revelry before flying home.

Enjoy your holidays. I'll be back here with all the pics & reports in January!

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