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Systematic Genocide would like to thank:

-For being so supportive of our music and helping to push the envelope by allowing us to open up for you guys.And thank you for providing us with such great music you guys have definately got a long and successful future ahead of you.

-Which, is sad to say broke up. We were all sorry to hear that. You guys kicked ass.

Ryan(aka Texas Beltbuckle)-You have been there since the beginning and we love ya for it!And thank you for being one of this country's soul protecters by joining the army, we are honered to have you with us.

Ronda-Thank you for being there for us physically and mentally, you bring joy to us more than you know.Not to mention you are Tool's #1 supporter.

Beth-Well just for being you and putting up with our insane behavior and also for being true to your word, honesty keeps the ball rolling.I want my sponge bob pillow!

Melodie- Thanks for coming to our shows and showing you support for the band. Also for taking pictures and helping scan them all into the computer for us on your own time.

Lisa-You have never missed a practice i guess thats a good thing.You have the gift to tolerate our bullshit love ya!

Fatty -Stay fat bro!

Anthony-Dude everytime you show up to our practice you bring a new audience to sample our shit. You are like our messenger spreading the good news.

Josh-For coming out to have a good time and also spreading the good word we appreciate it bro.

Larry-You know the reason we love you!

Adam Thayer-Well for being the bad ass we know you are, you my friend have been there with Knoxville,Mike,and Big D since Roswell

Paul-For your evilness that inspires us to be very pornographic and thanks for the bondage clothes!

Our parents,brothers,sisters,cousins,dogs,cats,and whoever else is related thank you for making us what we are today.

Thor-We didn't forget you brother. Thank you for your support and dedication to the music,to the band, and to the Red Wings!

Jamie Griffin-Thank you for all of your hard work. You are a bad ass photographer! The best in the area and if the Bay City Times is reading this, HIRE HER!. We love you sweety.

Amber Kochanny- For being as satanic as we are! Keep on eating the chicken and good things will come.

Brooke Weiss- Well I'll admit for being a Haskel's fan I guess you are pretty evil yourself. You are a wicked bitch! Oh and if you keep eating chicken you will have a soar back.

Domination Records-Thank you for signing us after a hard battle, we will have a great relatioship.

Harpos- You guys basically started a great thing for this band , we appreciate all of the hard work you are doing for us. And thank you for not giving up on us after that theif Snoop fucked us. He will feel the genocide!

Cristi- I hope I spelled it right, anyways thank you for being dedicated to our band even though you really don't like death metal, you still like us lol. Also thank you for the free drinks I really needed them, you are definately a hot one.

Alecia- The great protector, the one who be friended us the minute we all met. Thank you and the other girls for going out of their way to do your hair like Knoxville, you are very special to me.

The Irish Girl Jessica- Thank you as well for the dedication to this band and also for taking us as your friends. And for telling me my ass is awesome! LOL!

Jerrad- Thank you for being dedicated to true death metal and most of all thank you for being you man. Keep up your dreams and make sure the women always know you have a horse cock!

Sara- For letting me and Anthony get drunk at your house when you didn't even know us lol. And for being one of the coolest people I know, thank you.