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Sunday Blue - "Deepest Shade"


To check out the Lyrics, click here.  To read reviews, click here.



Drue has decided to release this album, in it's entirety, via MP3.  Check it out!  Dependent upon your browser settings, you may download these files and all of the sudden, in the file name, every space will have been replaced by "%20"......Simply rename the files, putting spaces where they are needed.  Do this carefully, so you don't screw up the track number - or you'll get the songs all out of order.



TRACK 01  -  Life Goes On

TRACK 02  -  The Sun Comes Up

TRACK 03  -  Dark Man

TRACK 04  -  1969

TRACK 05  -  The Heavens Are Crying

TRACK 06  -  Closer

TRACK 07  -  Sunday Blue

TRACK 08  -  Cover Me

TRACK 09  -  Never Mind

TRACK 10  -  Time Heals



Once you've downloaded the MP3's, you can rip them into wave files, and burn yourself a CD.  And there you have it, the full album (originally recorded in 1993!).  I've even made two JPG's that you can print out to make a CD insert.  Click here for the front, and here for the back.  Be sure to actually SAVE the files, then open them and print them.  If you copy and paste them, the size won't necessarily come out right.






    - Click here to re-load the main page.