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Stone Theory, or the Stone Theory website will not collect any personally-identifiable information about you (name, address, telephone number, email address) unless you provide it to us voluntarily. If you do not want your personal information collected, please do not submit it. We are not the only ones who may see your information, if you post it in our Guest Book.

If you have already submitted this information, via e-mail or guest book entry and would like for us to remove it from our files or from the site, please contact us at the email listed at the bottom of this Statement. We will use reasonable efforts to delete your information from our existing files, to the best of our ability.

We use return email addresses to answer the email we receive. These addresses are not used for any other purpose and are not shared with outside parties, so your SPAM will not come from us.

For each visitor of this website, our web server, and visitor counter automatically recognizes your domain, the type of Internet browser you are using, the type of computer operating system you are using, and/or the domain name of the Web site from which you linked to our site. This non-personally identifiable information is collected automatically, used for internal review, then discarded.

Any further questions reguarding the details of this statement should be sent to the webmistress.