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(12/29/03) -   Unfortunately due to the forces of life beyond our control (work, school, and moving) Standfast is on an indefinite hiatus.  We will be leaving the site up for awhile for fun and reflection.  You can check out Chad playing with Unveiled Faces @ .  Thank you all for your support.  God Bless.

-Standfast (Nate, Chuck, Chad,Dave & Jason)

(3/26/03) -  The long needed update has finally come.  The individual pics pages are now pretty much up and running.  Sorry for the delay things have been hectic around here but now things are more or less back up to speed.  The demo has been put on hold indefinitely and we will keep you posted as new information comes available on that.  The summer is quickly coming no word yet on solid plans but the boys are ready to play and are optimistic.  Until next time check out our very own Chad with Unveiled Faces at .  God Bless and Rock On!!

(9/29/02) -  *** This Just In***  -  Well boys and girls, it is finally actually happening.  According to members of Standfast, the band has plans of recording a professional quality demo sometime around the Christmas holidays.  Final plans have yet to be made, but the crew has tentative plans to record at PK Studios in Richmond, thanks to some pulling of strings by Dave.  We'll keep you posted as details come available. So stay tuned and be on the lookout for the new Standfast demo sometime in early 2003!

(9/29/02) -  It's fall and school is again in session, which means our boys are split apart again, although they remain intact in spirit.  Nate is back at VT while Jason still at GMU.  Chuck is in Ohio going to community college and Dave remains at school in the Richmond area.  Chad, the lone soul out of school, is still in the northern Virginia area working to keep the world form self destructing form server crashes and what not.  The distance is a mixed blessing; while the collective creativity has subsided everyone's individual creativity remains stewing, spawning new ideas for the next time the boys can reunite.  They all await the chance to get back together and create some more blaring, in-your-face rock.

(7/11/02) -  Ok, It's official this time...  Standfast is playing live show.  Everyone mark Saturday, August 10 on your calendar.  We're playing once again at Red Rocks Cafe in Centreville.  "Covered Up" and Occasionally Tall will be opening for us. So tell all your friends, and have them tell all their friends, even that funny looking guy across the street, because we want to pack the place out.  See the Shows page for more info.  Come check out Standfast live!

(6/12/02) -  Wohoo!  Standfast has a live show coming up... well, kinda.  We're playing an open mic night at Red Rocks Cafe in Centreville.  Tell all your friends, and that funny looking guy across the street.  See the Shows page for more info.  Come check it out and see Standfast in their element, live performance.

(6/12/02) - The Standfast lineup has been slightly modified due to scheduling conflicts.  Chad is now filling the shoes of rhythm guitarist and rockin it with us.  He should prove to be a valuable addition and we're looking forward to his contributions.

(6/3/02) - It's that time again...  The time has come and Standfast is gearing up to start rocking out.  As you can see the website has received a total overhaul.  It has been redesigned from the ground up.  Shortly the site will be fully up and running again and will have what you've all been waiting for: Show Info.  Keep checking back for the latest information on the band.  While you are here feel free to sign the Guestbook or join the Standfast mailing list.  Thank you for your support.  Hope to see you soon.