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Official Home Page

Filtered Reality is:
Josh Simmonds - Vocals/Guitar
Joe Tompkins - Guitar
Bobby LeRoy - Bass/backing vocals
Kevin Lasota - Drums

Eric "DJ Krispy" Lasota - Producer/Tech Junkie

This site is closed
FR has broken up. Josh has started Nine Volt Disaster, and Overground . Bobby has started a new punk band. Joe has started Overground with Josh. Finally, Kevin may be joining Short Changed, but if they find out we said something they might not like it so don't tell 'em we told ya. Take care everyone, it was a great year, and good luck to Krispy up at the University of Buffalo. Thanks for everything, everyone.

Josh Check out FR on their other supporting sites! (coming soon)

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All material ©2001 Filtered Reality/Orbiter Productions

Representation: Josh - Webmaster/Designer: "DJ Krispy"

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