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Waking up real---it's time to wake up

Welcome to my new and not really improved website. Anyway, not too many good things going on with it, I just decided to update. anyway, I have TONS of new pics, check em out...if they are old, there will be new ones up soon!!! Enjoy and sign the guestbook to let me know what you think!

Working on updating site...sorry...

If you ever have any questions or comments I can be contacted at the e-mail at the bottom of the page...Thank you.

The ever lovely Guestbook is lacking in signs. I know you are all dying to sign.

**Allison Christine**

Important: Questions are needed for the Q&A session taking place as soon as new questions come in. Please e-mail me with your questions! Questions can be of any topic.

View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook

Sightseeing: Part 2
Information Desk
Thank you's
My message to you.
Q & A Sessions
Lyric of the week
Surf the web
